GVSoft  Last updated 2007-09-15 


Camera History

Exif explained
Canon PS S50 explained
Canon LensID
camera information Updated
makernote identifier Updated
GPS tag info

Agfa type-1
Agfa type-2
Agfa type-3
Agfa type-4
Agfa type-5
Agfa type-10
Agfa type-20
Agfa type-30
Agfa type-40
Agfa type-99
Apple type-0
BenQ type-0
BenQ type-1
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BenQ type-3
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BenQ type-6
BenQ type-7
BenQ type-8
BenQ type-10
BenQ type-11
BenQ type-12
BenQ type-13
BenQ type-20
BenQ type-30
BenQ type-99
Canon type-0
Canon type-1
Casio type-1
Casio type-2
Casio type-10
Casio type-11
Cec type-99
DoCoMo type-0
DoCoMo type-1
DoCoMo type-10
DoCoMo type-20
DoCoMo type-99
Epson type-0
Epson type-1
FujiFilm type-0 Updated
FujiFilm type-1 Updated
FujiFilm type-10 Updated
FujiFilm type-90 Updated
FujiFilm type-99 Updated
Hp type-0
Hp type-1
Hp type-2
Hp type-3
Hp type-4
Hp type-6
Hp type-7
Hp type-9
Hp type-10
Hp type-81
Hp type-82
Hp type-83
Hp type-89
Hp type-99
Htc type-0
Jvc type-0
Jvc type-1
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Kddi type-0
Kddi type-1
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Kodak type-1
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Kodak type-6
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Kodak type-8
Kodak type-9
Kodak type-11
Kodak type-12
Kodak type-13
Kodak type-20
Kodak type-21
Kyocera type-0
Kyocera type-1
Kyocera type-2
Kyocera type-3
leica type-0
leica type-1
leica type-2
leica type-3
leica type-4
Lg type-0
Lumicron type-0 Updated
Lumicron type-30 Updated
Lumicron type-91 Updated
Lumicron type-92 Updated
Medion type-2
Medion type-3
Medion type-10
Medion type-20
Medion type-24
Medion type-30
Medion type-40
Medion type-50
Medion type-70
Medion type-99
Minolta type-0
Minolta type-7
Minolta type-8
Minolta tag-0x0001
Minolta tag-0x0004
Minolta tag-0x0114
Nikon type-0
Nikon type-1
Nikon type-2
Nikon type-3
Nokia type-0
Nokia type-99
Noritsu type-0
Olympus type-0
Olympus type-1
Olympus type-2
olympus tag-0x2010
olympus tag-0x2020
olympus tag-0x2030
olympus tag-0x2031
olympus tag-0x2040
olympus tag-0x2050-1
olympus tag-0x2050-2
olympus tag-0x2100
olympus tag-0x2200
olympus tag-0x2300
olympus tag-0x2400
olympus tag-0x2500
olympus tag-0x2600
olympus tag-0x2700
olympus tag-0x2800
olympus tag-0x2900
olympus tag-0x3000
olympus tag-0x4000
olympus tag-0x5000
Panasonic type-0
Panasonic type-1
Panasonic type-2
Panasonic type-3
Panasonic type-10
Panasonic type-99
Pentax type-0
Pentax type-1
Pentax type-2
Pentax type-3
Pentax type-4
Pentax type-10
Pentax type-20
Pentax type-21
Pentax type-22
Pentax-3 tag0x0034
Pentax-3 tag0x005c
Pentax-3 tag0x0205
Pentax-3 tag0x0206
Pentax-3 tag0x0207
Pentax-3 tag0x0208
Pentax-3 tag0x0215
Pentax-3 tag0x0216
Pentax-3 tag0x021f
Pentax-3 tag0x0222
Pentax-3 tag0x0224
Pentax-3 tag0x0226
Pentax-3 tag0x0227
Pentax-3 tag0x0228
Pentax-3 tag0x022a
Pentax-3 tag0x022b
Pentax-3 tag0x022c
Pentax-3 tag0x022d
Pentax-3 tag0x0232
Pentax-3 tag0x0233
Pentax-3 tag0x0239
Pentax-3 tag0x03ff-1
Pentax-3 tag0x03ff-2
Phaseone type-0
Polaroid type-0
Polaroid type-1
Polaroid type-2
Polaroid type-3
Polaroid type-10
Polaroid type-11
Polaroid type-12
Polaroid type-20
Polaroid type-21
Polaroid type-22
Polaroid type-23
Polaroid type-24
Polaroid type-25
Polaroid type-30
Polaroid type-99
Ricoh type-3
Rim type-0
Rim type-1
Rim type-99
Samsung type-0
Samsung type-1
Samsung type-2
Samsung type-3
Samsung type-4
Samsung type-5
Samsung type-6
Samsung type-10
Samsung type-11
Samsung type-12
Samsung type-13
Samsung type-20
Samsung type-21
Samsung type-22
Samsung type-23
Samsung type-30
Samsung type-40
Samsung type-70
Samsung type-71
Samsung type-80
Samsung type-81
Samsung type-91
Samsung type-98
Samsung type-99
Sanyo type-0
Sanyo type-1
Sharp type-0
Sharp type-1
Sharp type-2
Sharp type-3
Sharp type-10
Sigma type-1
Sigma type-2
Sigma type-3
Sony type-0
Sony type-1
Sony type-2
Sony type-3
Sony type-4
Sony type-5
Sony type-6
Sony type-7
Sony type-8
Sony type-9
Sony tag-0x0114
Sony tag-0xb028
SQ type-0 Updated
Toshiba type0
Toshiba type1
Toshiba type2
Toshiba type3
Toshiba type4
Toshiba type5
Toshiba type6
Toshiba type7
Toshiba type9
Vivitar type0
Vivitar type1
Vivitar type2
Vivitar type3
Vivitar type4
Vivitar type5
Vivitar type6
Vivitar type9
Vivitar1 tag-0x2010
Vivitar1 tag-0x2020
Vivitar1 tag-0x2025
Vivitar1 tag-0x2030
Vivitar1 tag-0x2040
Vivitar1 tag-0x2050

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Download GexifView Updated



  My Digital camera 2005-08-20
I have a Canon Powershot S50 (5 mega pixel). I'am happy with this digital camera. Direct view, or lookback the picture(s) I took. If "no good" take another one. Or take 10 pictures, "if 9 are bad" no problem "delete them", you have at least a good one. No more red eyes, or you can remove them with your PC. You can do a lot with photo editting programs. The only disadvantage: if you go on a holiday, take enough memory cards with you! If all are full, since stop taking pictures is no option, you have to buy a new card, or delete some pictures.
  The dark world of EXIF 2005-08-20

My project is still ongoing: "EXIF": explore the dark world of digital camera builders. The camera manufacturers put a lot of data (information) in there photo's (jpg).
Many Questions:
- Why don't they document this. Small parts can be found on the web.
- Which parts are important.
- How can this help me the become a better photographer.
- Maybe it can help me in indexing the photo's

Another thing with a digital camera are the "negatives". In the old days we put all photo's in an album and put the negatives in a box on the attic. But in modern multimedia time, we need to have the "many" photos online, categorised, etc.
  My programming 2005-08-20

I started in Borland Delphi with the code from "dEXIF" (Thanks Gerry McGuire I'll buy you a beer). I have seen a lot other tools, but I missed an area with uptodate specifications (1), which is the first part to make a good new tool.

Some calculations:
- last year I took 2000 pictures 1-2 MB each (~ 3,5 Gb).
- the indexing and filtering tool (10 MB).
- high quality thumbnails (2) for fast access 2000 pictures 50 KB each (100 Mb).
This results in a 4,7 DVD disk a year.
A master index (3) for filtering during the last 5 years.
Example: I want all the pictures from my son / dog / car / etc, during the last 3 years.