Experimenting witf APP creation, display solarpanel realtime production numbers
My digital camera: Canon Powershot S50, replaced by SONY HX50V
Exif and makernote Tag: a hobby
I'.m trying to collect all known information about EXIF tag's.
How to decode hidden information in the JPG photo, made by a digital camera.
EXIF tag's
Maker specific tag's
Any other reletad info
The goal is the create a photo management tool. If stores / manages information in the JPG, without any distroying EXIF information.
As a start I am working on an EXIF reader, extending every day.
My first release of GexifView. A program decoding all tag's: Exif and Makernotes for pictures taken with a digital camara.
Please give remarks, approvements, or pointers to errors to improve the program.