EXIF: Pentax-3 tag0x0206 Makernotes

Pentax type 3 Tag-0x0206 AE Information

Please report any faults, or missing stuff, thanks in advance Ger

Pentax-3 tag0x0206 Tag overview

Tag nr hexnrDescription
Entries-Pentax-3-0x0206 Directory
0x0000 0Pentax-3-0x0206-0x0000
0x0000 0AE Exposure Time
0x0001 1AE Aperture
0x0002 2Pentax-3-0x0206-0x0002
0x0002 2AE ISO
0x0003 3AE Xv
0x0004 4AEB Xv
0x0005 5AE Min Exposure Time
0x0006 6AE Program Mode
Tag nr hexnrDescription
0x0007 7AE Flags
0x0008 8Pentax-3-0x0206-0x0008
0x0009 9AE Max Aperture
0x000a 10AE Max Aperture2
0x000b 11AE Min Aperture
0x000c 12AE Metering Mode
0x000d 13Pentax-3-0x0206-0x000d
0x000e 14Flash Exposure Comp Set
0x000f 15Pentax-3-0x0206-0x000f

Pentax-3 tag0x0206 Detailed Tag overview

Tag nr hex
nr Data size Data type Tag Name
# 0x... xxxxxxx

 Detailed tag overview
- 2 bytes uShort16 Pentax-3-0x0206 Directory
  Number of data entries
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 -14 = Directory 7 entries
Pentax-3 -16 = Directory 8 entries
Pentax-3 -20 = Directory 10 entries
Pentax-3 -24 = Directory 12 entries
Pentax-3 -25 = Directory 12 entries
Pentax-10 -34 = Directory 17 entries
Samsung-3 -14 = Directory 7 entries
Samsung-3 -16 = Directory 8 entries
0 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0206-0x0000
  Only for:
Mayby iso value. Seems to work for "High ISO Noise Reduction" = "Weak, Active (Weak)"
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-10 0x19 25 = 30,9
Pentax-10 0x43 67 = 104
Pentax-10 0x44 68 = 107
Pentax-10 : :
Pentax-10 0xf0 240 = 15360
Pentax-10 0xf1 241 = 15810
Pentax-10 0xff 255 = 23688
0 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Exposure Time
  Formula "24*power(10, -(eVal-32) *log10(2)/8)"
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x1c28 = 35 sec [1/0,03]
Pentax-3 0x1d29 = 30 sec [1/0,03]
Pentax-3 0x1e30 = 30 sec [1/0,04]
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0xa4164 = 1/3800 sec [0,0003 = 1/3861,75]
Pentax-3 0xa7167 = 1/5000 sec [0,0002 = 1/5008,06]
Pentax-3 0xa9169 = 1/6000 sec [0,0002 = 1/5955,63]
Pentax-10 0x1925 = 45 sec [1/0,02]
Pentax-10 0x4367 = 1,20 sec [1/0,86]
Pentax-10 0x4468 = 1,10 sec [1/0,94]
Pentax-10 : :
Pentax-10 0xf0240 = 1/2796000 sec [0,0000 = 1/2796202,67]
Pentax-10 0xf1241 = 1/3049000 sec [0,0000 = 1/3049280,63]
Pentax-10 0xff255 = 1/10257000 sec [0,0000 = 1/10256516,60]
Samsung-3 0x2032 = 25 sec [1/0,04]
Samsung-3 0x3048 = 6,0 sec [1/0,17]
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x9f159 = 1/2500 sec [0,0004 = 1/2504,03]
Samsung-3 0xa4164 = 1/3800 sec [0,0003 = 1/3861,75]
1 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Aperture
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = 0,05
Pentax-3 0x4c 76 = 1,41
Pentax-3 0x4d 77 = 1,48
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x90 144 = 26,9
Pentax-3 0x94 148 = 32,0
Pentax-3 0x98 152 = 38,1
Pentax-10 0x02 2 = 0,06
Samsung-3 0x00 0 = 0,05
Samsung-3 0x5c 92 = 2,8
Samsung-3 0x61 97 = 3,5
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x86 134 = 17,4
Samsung-3 0x8c 140 = 22,6
2 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0206-0x0002
  Only for:
Mayby exposuretime
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-10 0x1622 = 1/8 sec [0,1200 = 1/8,33]
Pentax-10 0x1a26 = 1/9 sec [0,1069 = 1/9,35]
Pentax-10 0x1f31 = 1/11 sec [0,0925 = 1/10,81]
Pentax-10 : :
Pentax-10 0xc4196 = 1/1250 sec [0,0008 = 1/1268,52]
Pentax-10 0xee238 = 1/4200 sec [0,0002 = 1/4266,79]
Pentax-10 0xfd253 = 1/6500 sec [0,0002 = 1/6580,28]
2 1 bytes uByte_08 AE ISO
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = 6,3
Pentax-3 0x1d 29 = 77
Pentax-3 0x20 32 = 100
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x58 88 = 12800
Pentax-3 0x60 96 = 25600
Pentax-3 0x68 104 = 51200
Samsung-3 0x20 32 = 100
Samsung-3 0x22 34 = 119
Samsung-3 0x28 40 = 200
Samsung-3 0x2d 45 = 308
Samsung-3 0x30 48 = 400
Samsung-3 0x38 56 = 800
Samsung-3 0x40 64 = 1600
Samsung-3 0x48 72 = 3200
3 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Xv
  Values from -2 upto +2
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x30 48 = -2,00
Pentax-3 0x34 52 = -1,50
Pentax-3 0x35 53 = -1,38
Pentax-3 0x38 56 = -1,00
Pentax-3 0x3b 59 = -0,63
Pentax-3 0x3c 60 = -0,50
Pentax-3 0x3d 61 = -0,38
Pentax-3 0x40 64 = 0,00
Pentax-3 0x43 67 = 0,38
Pentax-3 0x44 68 = 0,50
Pentax-3 0x45 69 = 0,63
Pentax-3 0x48 72 = 1,00
Pentax-3 0x50 80 = 2,00
Pentax-10 0x01 1 = -7,88
Samsung-3 0x30 48 = -2,00
Samsung-3 0x38 56 = -1,00
Samsung-3 0x3b 59 = -0,63
Samsung-3 0x3c 60 = -0,50
Samsung-3 0x3d 61 = -0,38
Samsung-3 0x40 64 = 0,00
Samsung-3 0x44 68 = 0,50
Samsung-3 0x48 72 = 1,00
Samsung-3 0x50 80 = 2,00
4 1 bytes sByte_08 AEB Xv
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = 0,00
Pentax-3 0xfd -3 = -0,38
Pentax-10 0x04 4 = 0,50
Pentax-10 0x0c 12 = 1,50
Pentax-10 0x14 20 = 2,50
Pentax-10 0x1c 28 = 3,50
Pentax-10 0x24 36 = 4,50
Pentax-10 0x2c 44 = 5,50
Pentax-10 0x34 52 = 6,50
Pentax-10 0x3c 60 = 7,50
Pentax-10 0x44 68 = 8,50
Pentax-10 0x5c 92 = 11,50
Pentax-10 0xfa -6 = -0,75
Samsung-3 0x00 0 = 0,00
Samsung-3 0x03 3 = 0,38
Samsung-3 0xfd -3 = -0,38
5 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Min Exposure Time
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x78120 = 1/90 sec [0,0117 = 1/85,33]
Pentax-3 0x7e126 = 1/140 sec [0,0070 = 1/143,51]
Pentax-3 0x80128 = 1/170 sec [0,0059 = 1/170,67]
Pentax-3 0xa4164 = 1/3800 sec [0,0003 = 1/3861,75]
Pentax-3 0xa8168 = 1/5400 sec [0,0002 = 1/5461,33]
Pentax-3 0xac172 = 1/7500 sec [0,0001 = 1/7723,49]
Pentax-10 0x000 = 380 sec [1/0,00]
Pentax-10 0x011 = 350 sec [1/0,00]
Samsung-3 0x80128 = 1/170 sec [0,0059 = 1/170,67]
Samsung-3 0xa4164 = 1/3800 sec [0,0003 = 1/3861,75]
6 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Program Mode
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
0 0x0000M, P or TAv
1 0x0001Av, B or X
2 0x0002Tv
3 0x0003Sv or Green Mode
8 0x0008Hi-speed Program
11 0x000bHi-speed Program (P-Shift)
16 0x0010DOF Program
19 0x0013DOF Program (P-Shift)
24 0x0018MTF Program
27 0x001bMTF Program (P-Shift)
35 0x0023Standard
43 0x002bPortrait
51 0x0033Landscape
59 0x003bMacro
67 0x0043Sport
75 0x004bNight Scene Portrait
83 0x0053No Flash
91 0x005bNight Scene
99 0x0063Surf & Snow
104 0x0068Night Snap
107 0x006bText
115 0x0073Sunset
123 0x007bKids
129 0x0081Cross process
131 0x0083Pet
136 0x0088Toy
139 0x008bCandlelight
144 0x0090SCN
147 0x0093Museum
160 0x00a0Program
184 0x00b8Shallow DOF Program
216 0x00d8HDR
Pentax-3 0x000 = M, P or TAv
Pentax-3 0x011 = Av, B or X
Pentax-3 0x02 2 = Tv
Pentax-3 0x033 = Sv or Green Mode
Pentax-3 0x088 = Hi-speed Program
Pentax-3 0x1824 = MTF Program
Pentax-3 0x2335 = Standard
Pentax-3 0x2b43 = Portrait
Pentax-3 0x3351 = Landscape
Pentax-3 0x3b 59 = Macro
Pentax-3 0x43 67 = Sport
Pentax-3 0x4b75 = Night Scene Portrait
Pentax-3 0x5383 = No Flash
Pentax-3 0x5b91 = Night Scene
Pentax-3 0x6399 = Surf & Snow
Pentax-3 0x73 115 = Sunset
Pentax-3 0x7b 123 = Kids
Pentax-3 0x83 131 = Pet
Pentax-10 0x68104 = Night Snap
Pentax-10 0x74116 = 116 ???
Pentax-10 0x78120 = 120 ???
Pentax-10 0x80128 = 128 ???
Pentax-10 0x81129 = Cross process
Pentax-10 0x83 131 = Pet
Pentax-10 0x84132 = 132 ???
Pentax-10 0x85133 = 133 ???
Pentax-10 0x86134 = 134 ???
Pentax-10 0x88 136 = Toy
Pentax-10 0x90 144 = SCN
Pentax-10 0xa2162 = 162 ???
Pentax-10 0xa8168 = 168 ???
Pentax-10 0xc0192 = 192 ???
Pentax-10 0xd8 216 = HDR
Pentax-10 0xf0240 = 240 ???
Samsung-3 0x000 = M, P or TAv
Samsung-3 0x011 = Av, B or X
Samsung-3 0x02 2 = Tv
Samsung-3 0x033 = Sv or Green Mode
Samsung-3 0x0b11 = Hi-speed Program (P-Shift)
Samsung-3 0x2b43 = Portrait
Samsung-3 0x3351 = Landscape
Samsung-3 0x43 67 = Sport
Samsung-3 0x5383 = No Flash
Samsung-3 0x6399 = Surf & Snow
Samsung-3 0x83 131 = Pet
7 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Flags
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
b- 0x....(none)
b3 0x....AE lock
b4 0x....Flash recommended?
b7 0x....Aperture wide open
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = (none)
Pentax-3 0x01 1 = b0 ???
Pentax-3 0x02 2 = b1 ???
Pentax-3 0x033 = b1 ???, b0 ???
Pentax-3 0x04 4 = b2 ???
Pentax-3 0x08 8 = AE lock
Pentax-3 0x099 = AE lock , b0 ???
Pentax-3 0x0a10 = AE lock , b1 ???
Pentax-3 0x0c12 = AE lock , b2 ???
Pentax-3 0x1016 = Flash recommended?
Pentax-3 0x1824 = Flash recommended?, AE lock
Pentax-3 0x20 32 = b5 ???
Pentax-3 0x2133 = b5 ???, b0 ???
Pentax-3 0x2840 = b5 ???, AE lock
Pentax-3 0x3048 = b5 ???, Flash recommended?
Pentax-3 0x80128 = Aperture wide open
Pentax-3 0x82130 = Aperture wide open, b1 ???
Pentax-3 0x88136 = Aperture wide open, AE lock
Pentax-3 0x90144 = Aperture wide open, Flash recommended?
Pentax-3 0xa0160 = Aperture wide open, b5 ???
Pentax-3 0xa1161 = Aperture wide open, b5 ???, b0 ???
Pentax-10 0x00 0 = (none)
Samsung-3 0x00 0 = (none)
Samsung-3 0x02 2 = b1 ???
Samsung-3 0x08 8 = AE lock
Samsung-3 0x1016 = Flash recommended?
Samsung-3 0x20 32 = b5 ???
Samsung-3 0x2840 = b5 ???, AE lock
Samsung-3 0x3856 = b5 ???, Flash recommended?, AE lock
Samsung-3 0x80128 = Aperture wide open
Samsung-3 0x84132 = Aperture wide open, b2 ???
Samsung-3 0x88136 = Aperture wide open, AE lock
Samsung-3 0x90144 = Aperture wide open, Flash recommended?
Samsung-3 0xb8184 = Aperture wide open, b5 ???, Flash recommended?, AE lock
8 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0206-0x0008
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x01 1
Pentax-3 0x02 2
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0xc0 192
Pentax-3 0xe0 224
Pentax-3 0xff 255
Pentax-10 0xb0 176
Pentax-10 0xc0 192
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x01 1
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x26 38
Samsung-3 0xff 255
9 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Max Aperture
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax ... ...
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = 0,05
Pentax-3 0x01 1 = 0,05
Pentax-3 0x02 2 = 0,06
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x68 104 = 4,8
Pentax-3 0x6c 108 = 5,7
Pentax-3 0x70 112 = 6,7
Pentax-10 0x00 0 = 0,05
Samsung-3 0x5c 92 = 2,8
Samsung-3 0x5f 95 = 3,2
Samsung-3 0x60 96 = 3,4
Samsung-3 0x61 97 = 3,5
Samsung-3 0x64 100 = 4,0
Samsung-3 0x68 104 = 4,8
Samsung-3 0x6c 108 = 5,7
10 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Max Aperture2
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x48 72 = 1,19
Pentax-3 0x4c 76 = 1,41
Pentax-3 0x4d 77 = 1,48
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x6d 109 = 5,9
Pentax-3 0x6e 110 = 6,2
Pentax-3 0x70 112 = 6,7
Pentax-10 0xb0 176 = 108
Pentax-10 0xc0 192 = 215
Samsung-3 0x5c 92 = 2,8
Samsung-3 0x5d 93 = 3,0
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x6c 108 = 5,7
Samsung-3 0x6d 109 = 5,9
11 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Min Aperture
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x48 72 = 1,19
Pentax-3 0x4c 76 = 1,41
Pentax-3 0x59 89 = 2,5
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x94 148 = 32,0
Pentax-3 0x98 152 = 38,1
Pentax-3 0x9c 156 = 45,3
Pentax-10 0x00 0 = 0,05
Samsung-3 0x84 132 = 16,0
Samsung-3 0x8c 140 = 22,6
Samsung-3 0x90 144 = 26,9
Samsung-3 0x94 148 = 32,0
Samsung-3 0x98 152 = 38,1
12 1 bytes uByte_08 AE Metering Mode
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
b- 0x....Multi-segment
b4 0x....Center-weighted average
b5 0x....Spot
Pentax-3 0x000 = Multi-segment
Pentax-3 0x1016 = Center-weighted average
Pentax-3 0x20 32 = Spot
Pentax-3 0x8c140 = b7 ???, b3 ???, b2 ???
Pentax-3 0x90144 = b7 ???, Center-weighted average
Pentax-3 0x94148 = b7 ???, Center-weighted average, b2 ???
Pentax-3 0x98152 = b7 ???, Center-weighted average, b3 ???
Pentax-3 0x9c156 = b7 ???, Center-weighted average, b3 ???, b2 ???
Pentax-10 0x000 = Multi-segment
Pentax-10 0x1016 = Center-weighted average
Pentax-10 0x3048 = Spot , Center-weighted average
Samsung-3 0x000 = Multi-segment
Samsung-3 0x1016 = Center-weighted average
Samsung-3 0x20 32 = Spot
13 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0206-0x000d
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x02 2
Pentax-3 0x03 3
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x09 9
Pentax-3 0x0a 10
Pentax-3 0x0d 13
Pentax-10 0x00 0
Pentax-10 0x01 1
Pentax-10 0x02 2
Pentax-10 : :
Pentax-10 0xa6 166
Pentax-10 0xaa 170
Pentax-10 0xb1 177
Samsung-3 0x2d 45
Samsung-3 0x30 48
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x75 117
Samsung-3 0x7f 127
14 1 bytes sByte_08 Flash Exposure Comp Set
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = 0,00
Pentax-3 0x05 5 = 0,67
Pentax-3 0x2f 47 = 5,9
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x78 120 = 15,0
Pentax-3 0x7b 123 = 15,3
Pentax-3 0x7e 126 = 15,8
Pentax-3 0x80-128 = -16,00
Pentax-3 0xf0 -16 = -2,00
Pentax-3 0xf4 -12 = -1,50
Pentax-3 0xf8 -8 = -1,00
Pentax-3 0xfc -4 = -0,50
Pentax-3 0xfd -3 = -0,33
Pentax-10 0xfa -6 = -0,75
Samsung-3 0x00 0 = 0,00
Samsung-3 0x08 8 = 1,00
15 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0206-0x000f
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x20 32
Pentax-3 0x2c 44
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0xbb 187
Pentax-3 0xcd 205
Pentax-3 0xf0 240
Pentax-10 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x24 36
Samsung-3 0x46 70
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x9f 159
Samsung-3 0xa4 164

Generated by GexifView 2014-06-03