EXIF: Pentax-3 tag0x0205 Makernotes

Pentax type 3 Tag-0x0205 Shot Information

Please report any faults, or missing stuff, thanks in advance Ger

Pentax-3 tag0x0205 Tag overview

Tag nr hexnrDescription
Entries-Pentax-3-0x0205 Directory
0x0000 0Picture Mode2
0x0001 10x0205-0x0001 Masked Value
0x0002 20x0205-0x0002 Masked Value
0x0003 30x0205-0x0003 Masked Value
0x0004 4AF Point Selected2
0x0006 6ISO Floor
0x0007 7Drive Mode2
0x0008 8Exposure Bracket Step Size
0x0009 9Bracket Shot Number
0x000a 100x0205-0x000a Masked Value
0x000b 11Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000b
0x000c 12Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000c
0x000d 13Raw And Jpg Recording
0x000d 13Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000d
Tag nr hexnrDescription
0x000e 14Jpg Recorded Pixels
0x000e 14Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000e
0x000f 15Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000f
0x0010 160x0205-0x0010 Masked Value
0x0010 16Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0010
0x0011 170x0205-0x0011 Masked Value
0x0011 17Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0011
0x0012 18Tv Exposure Time Setting
0x0012 18Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0012
0x0013 19Av Aperture Setting
0x0013 19Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0013
0x0014 20Sv ISO Setting
0x0015 21Base Exposure Compensation
0x0016 22Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0016

Pentax-3 tag0x0205 Detailed Tag overview

Tag nr hex
nr Data size Data type Tag Name
# 0x... xxxxxxx

 Detailed tag overview
- 2 bytes uShort16 Pentax-3-0x0205 Directory
  Number of data entries
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 -14 = Directory 7 entries
Pentax-3 -16 = Directory 8 entries
Pentax-3 -19 = Directory 9 entries
Pentax-3 -20 = Directory 10 entries
Pentax-3 -21 = Directory 10 entries
Pentax-3 -22 = Directory 11 entries
Pentax-3 -23 = Directory 11 entries
Samsung-3 -16 = Directory 8 entries
Samsung-3 -20 = Directory 10 entries
Samsung-3 -23 = Directory 11 entries
0 1 bytes uByte_08 Picture Mode2
  Range 0-16
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
0 0x0000Scene Mode
1 0x0001Auto PICT
2 0x0002Program AE
3 0x0003Green Mode
4 0x0004Shutter Speed Priority
5 0x0005Aperture Priority
6 0x0006Program Tv Shift
7 0x0007Program Av Shift
8 0x0008Manual
9 0x0009Bulb
10 0x000aAperture Priority, Off-Auto-Aperture
11 0x000bManual, Off-Auto-Aperture
12 0x000cBulb, Off-Auto-Aperture
13 0x000dShutter & Aperture Priority AE
15 0x000fSensitivity Priority AE
16 0x0010Flash X-Sync Speed AE
Pentax-3 0x000 = Scene Mode
Pentax-3 0x011 = Auto PICT
Pentax-3 0x022 = Program AE
Pentax-3 0x033 = Green Mode
Pentax-3 0x044 = Shutter Speed Priority
Pentax-3 0x055 = Aperture Priority
Pentax-3 0x066 = Program Tv Shift
Pentax-3 0x077 = Program Av Shift
Pentax-3 0x08 8 = Manual
Pentax-3 0x09 9 = Bulb
Pentax-3 0x0a10 = Aperture Priority, Off-Auto-Aperture
Pentax-3 0x0b11 = Manual, Off-Auto-Aperture
Pentax-3 0x0d13 = Shutter & Aperture Priority AE
Pentax-3 0x0f15 = Sensitivity Priority AE
Samsung-3 0x000 = Scene Mode
Samsung-3 0x011 = Auto PICT
Samsung-3 0x022 = Program AE
Samsung-3 0x033 = Green Mode
Samsung-3 0x044 = Shutter Speed Priority
Samsung-3 0x055 = Aperture Priority
Samsung-3 0x077 = Program Av Shift
Samsung-3 0x08 8 = Manual
Samsung-3 0x0c12 = Bulb, Off-Auto-Aperture
Samsung-3 0x0f15 = Sensitivity Priority AE
1 1 bytes uByte_08 0x0205-0x0001 Masked Value
  Bits b0-b1 Program Line
Bits b5 EV Steps
Bits b6 E-Dial In Program
Bits b7 Aperture Ring Use
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x20 32
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0xe5 229
Pentax-3 0xe6 230
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x20 32
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x80 128
Samsung-3 0xa0 160
2 1 bytes uByte_08 0x0205-0x0002 Masked Value
  Bits b0-b3 Metering Mode 2
Bits b4-b7 Flash Options
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x01 1
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0xa0 160
Pentax-3 0xa2 162
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x01 1
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x80 128
Samsung-3 0xa0 160
3 1 bytes uByte_08 0x0205-0x0003 Masked Value
  Bits b0-b3 FocusMode 2
Bits b4-b7 AF Point Mode
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x01 1
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x23 35
Pentax-3 0x40 64
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x01 1
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x21 33
Samsung-3 0x22 34
4 2 bytes uShort16 AF Point Selected2
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
b- 0x.... Auto
b0 0x.... Upper-left
b1 0x.... Top
b2 0x.... Upper-right
b3 0x.... Left
b4 0x.... Mid-left
b5 0x.... Center
b6 0x.... Mid-right
b7 0x.... Right
b8 0x.... Lower-left
b9 0x.... Bottom
b10 0x.... Lower-right
b13 0x.... B13 ???
Pentax-3 0x0000 0 = Auto
Pentax-3 0x00011 = Upper-left
Pentax-3 0x0002 2 = Top
Pentax-3 0x00044 = Upper-right
Pentax-3 0x0008 8 = Left
Pentax-3 0x001016 = Mid-left
Pentax-3 0x0020 32 = Center
Pentax-3 0x004064 = Mid-right
Pentax-3 0x0080 128 = Right
Pentax-3 0x00a4164 = Right , Center , Upper-right
Pentax-3 0x0100256 = Lower-left
Pentax-3 0x0200 512 = Bottom
Pentax-3 0x04001024 = Lower-right
Pentax-3 0x09002304 = b11 ???, Lower-left
Pentax-3 0x20008192 = B13 ???
Pentax-3 0x20018193 = B13 ??? , Upper-left
Pentax-3 0x20088200 = B13 ??? , Left
Pentax-3 0x20208224 = B13 ??? , Center
Pentax-3 0x280010240 = B13 ??? , b11 ???
Pentax-3 0x280810248 = B13 ??? , b11 ???, Left
Pentax-3 0x300812296 = B13 ??? , b12 ???, Left
Pentax-3 0x380814344 = B13 ??? , b12 ???, b11 ???, Left
Pentax-3 0x400816392 = b14 ???, Left
Pentax-3 0x480818440 = b14 ???, b11 ???, Left
Pentax-3 0x961838424 = b15 ???, b12 ???, Lower-right, Bottom , Mid-left , Left
Samsung-3 0x0000 0 = Auto
Samsung-3 0x00044 = Upper-right
Samsung-3 0x001016 = Mid-left
Samsung-3 0x0020 32 = Center
Samsung-3 0x004064 = Mid-right
Samsung-3 0x0080 128 = Right
6 1 bytes uByte_08 ISO Floor
  Formula is int(100*power(10,PentaxEV(iVal-32)*log10(2) )+0.5)
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = 1600
Pentax-3 0x03 3 = 1199
Pentax-3 0x04 4 = 1131
Pentax-3 0x05 5 = 1068
Pentax-3 0x1d 29 = 133
Pentax-3 0x20 32 = 100
Pentax-3 0x25 37 = 159
Pentax-3 0x28 40 = 200
Pentax-3 0x2b 43 = 252
Pentax-3 0x2c 44 = 283
Pentax-3 0x30 48 = 400
Pentax-3 0x33 51 = 504
Pentax-3 0x35 53 = 635
Pentax-3 0x38 56 = 800
Pentax-3 0x3c 60 = 1131
Pentax-3 0x40 64 = 1600
Pentax-3 0x48 72 = 3200
Pentax-3 0x50 80 = 6400
Pentax-3 0x58 88 = 12800
Pentax-3 0x60 96 = 25600
Pentax-3 0x68 104 = 51200
Samsung-3 0x20 32 = 100
Samsung-3 0x28 40 = 200
Samsung-3 0x2d 45 = 317
Samsung-3 0x30 48 = 400
Samsung-3 0x38 56 = 800
Samsung-3 0x40 64 = 1600
Samsung-3 0x48 72 = 3200
7 1 bytes uByte_08 Drive Mode2
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
b- 0x....Single-frame
b0 0x....Continuous
b1 0x....Continuous (Lo)
b2 0x....Self-timer (12 s)
b3 0x....Self-timer (2 s)
b4 0x....Remote Control (3 s delay)
b5 0x....Remote Control
b6 0x....Exposure Bracket
b7 0x....Multiple Exposure
Pentax-3 0x000 = Single-frame
Pentax-3 0x011 = Continuous
Pentax-3 0x022 = Continuous (Lo)
Pentax-3 0x033 = Continuous (Lo) , Continuous
Pentax-3 0x044 = Self-timer (12 s)
Pentax-3 0x088 = Self-timer (2 s)
Pentax-3 0x2032 = Remote Control
Pentax-3 0x4064 = Exposure Bracket
Pentax-3 0x4872 = Exposure Bracket , Self-timer (2 s)
Pentax-3 0x80128 = Multiple Exposure
Samsung-3 0x000 = Single-frame
Samsung-3 0x011 = Continuous
Samsung-3 0x044 = Self-timer (12 s)
Samsung-3 0x088 = Self-timer (2 s)
Samsung-3 0x4064 = Exposure Bracket
Samsung-3 0x81129 = Multiple Exposure , Continuous
8 1 bytes uByte_08 Exposure Bracket Step Size
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
3 0x0003 0.3
4 0x0004 0.5
5 0x0005 0.7
8 0x0008 1.0
11 0x000b 1.3
12 0x000c 1.5
13 0x000d 1.7
16 0x0010 2.0
Pentax-3 0x000 = 0 ???
Pentax-3 0x03 3 = 0.3
Pentax-3 0x04 4 = 0.5
Pentax-3 0x05 5 = 0.7
Pentax-3 0x08 8 = 1.0
Pentax-3 0x0b 11 = 1.3
Pentax-3 0x0c 12 = 1.5
Pentax-3 0x0d 13 = 1.7
Pentax-3 0x10 16 = 2.0
Pentax-3 0x1c28 = 28 ???
Pentax-3 0x73115 = 115 ???
Pentax-3 0x7c124 = 124 ???
Pentax-3 0x81129 = 129 ???
Samsung-3 0x03 3 = 0.3
Samsung-3 0x04 4 = 0.5
Samsung-3 0x05 5 = 0.7
Samsung-3 0x08 8 = 1.0
Samsung-3 0x0d 13 = 1.7
Samsung-3 0x10 16 = 2.0
9 1 bytes uByte_08 Bracket Shot Number
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
0x0000 0x.... n/a
0x0002 0x.... 1 of 2
0x0012 0x.... 2 of 2
0x0003 0x.... 1 of 3
0x0013 0x.... 2 of 3
0x0023 0x.... 3 of 3
0x0005 0x.... 1 of 5
0x0015 0x.... 2 of 5
0x0025 0x.... 3 of 5
0x0035 0x.... 4 of 5
0x0045 0x.... 5 of 5
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = n/a
Pentax-3 0x011 = 0x0001 ???
Pentax-3 0x03 3 = 1 of 3
Pentax-3 0x05 5 = 1 of 5
Pentax-3 0x13 19 = 2 of 3
Pentax-3 0x5f95 = 0x005f ???
Pentax-3 0x80128 = 0x0080 ???
Pentax-3 0x81129 = 0x0081 ???
Pentax-3 0x82130 = 0x0082 ???
Pentax-3 0x84132 = 0x0084 ???
Samsung-3 0x00 0 = n/a
Samsung-3 0x03 3 = 1 of 3
Samsung-3 0x13 19 = 2 of 3
Samsung-3 0x23 35 = 3 of 3
10 1 bytes uByte_08 0x0205-0x000a Masked Value
  Bits b0-b3 Multiple Exposure Set
Bits b4-b7 WhiteBalanceSet
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x10 16
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x91 145
Pentax-3 0xc0 192
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x10 16
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x90 144
Samsung-3 0x91 145
11 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000b
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x4c 76
Pentax-3 0x66 102
Pentax-3 0x69 105
Pentax-3 0x6c 108
Pentax-3 0x74 116
Pentax-3 0x87 135
Pentax-3 0x8c 140
Samsung-3 0x00 0
12 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000c
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x01 1
Pentax-3 0x04 4
Pentax-3 0x05 5
Pentax-3 0x20 32
Pentax-3 0x28 40
Pentax-3 0x44 68
Pentax-3 0x61 97
Pentax-3 0x64 100
Pentax-3 0x65 101
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x01 1
Samsung-3 0x21 33
Samsung-3 0x69 105
13 1 bytes uByte_08 Raw And Jpg Recording
  Only for:
- K10D
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
1 0x0001JPEG (Best)
4 0x0004RAW (PEF, Best)
5 0x0005RAW+JPEG (PEF, Best)
8 0x0008RAW (DNG, Best)
9 0x0009RAW+JPEG (DNG, Best)
33 0x0021JPEG (Better)
36 0x0024RAW (PEF, Better)
37 0x0025RAW+JPEG (PEF, Better)
40 0x0028RAW (DNG, Better)
41 0x0029RAW+JPEG (DNG, Better)
65 0x0041JPEG (Good)
68 0x0044RAW (PEF, Good)
69 0x0045RAW+JPEG (PEF, Good)
72 0x0048RAW (DNG, Good)
73 0x0049RAW+JPEG (DNG, Good)
Pentax-3 0x011 = JPEG (Best)
Pentax-3 0x055 = RAW+JPEG (PEF, Best)
Pentax-3 0x099 = RAW+JPEG (DNG, Best)
Samsung-3 0x011 = JPEG (Best)
Samsung-3 0x099 = RAW+JPEG (DNG, Best)
13 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000d
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x01 1
Pentax-3 0x02 2
Pentax-3 0x03 3
Pentax-3 0x22 34
Pentax-3 0x3b 59
Pentax-3 0x40 64
Pentax-3 0x42 66
Pentax-3 0x60 96
Pentax-3 0x80 128
Pentax-3 0x82 130
Pentax-3 0x83 131
Pentax-3 0xe0 224
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x03 3
14 1 bytes uByte_08 Jpg Recorded Pixels
  Only for:
- K10D
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
0 0x0000 10 MP
1 0x0001 6 MP
2 0x0002 2 MP
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = 10 MP
Pentax-3 0x01 1 = 6 MP
Pentax-3 0x02 2 = 2 MP
Samsung-3 0x00 0 = 10 MP
14 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000e
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x01 1
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0xf3 243
Pentax-3 0xfc 252
Samsung-3 0x9c 156
Samsung-3 0xf0 240
Samsung-3 0xf3 243
Samsung-3 0xfc 252
15 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x000f
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x01 1
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0xfc 252
Pentax-3 0xff 255
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x01 1
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x9c 156
Samsung-3 0xfc 252
16 1 bytes uByte_08 0x0205-0x0010 Masked Value
  Only for:
- K10D
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x01 1
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0xa0 160
Pentax-3 0xa2 162
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x01 1
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x80 128
Samsung-3 0xa0 160
16 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0010
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x01 1
Pentax-3 0x20 32
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x87 135
Pentax-3 0x8c 140
Samsung-3 0x51 81
Samsung-3 0x57 87
Samsung-3 0x68 104
Samsung-3 0x7c 124
Samsung-3 0xa4 164
17 1 bytes uByte_08 0x0205-0x0011 Masked Value
  Only for:
- K10D
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x02 2
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0xe0 224
Pentax-3 0xe2 226
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x04 4
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0xc0 192
Samsung-3 0xe0 224
17 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0011
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x20 32
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x87 135
Pentax-3 0x8c 140
Samsung-3 0x6c 108
Samsung-3 0x70 112
Samsung-3 0x74 116
18 1 bytes uByte_08 Tv Exposure Time Setting
  Only for:
- K10D
Formula is power(10,-PentaxEV(eVal-68)*log10(2));
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x1c 28 = 32 sec
Pentax-3 0x20 32 = 23 sec
Pentax-3 0x24 36 = 16 sec
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x97151 = 1/1290 sec
Pentax-3 0x99153 = 1/1626 sec
Pentax-3 0x9c156 = 1/2048 sec
Samsung-3 0x29 41 = 11 sec
Samsung-3 0x5c 92 = 1/8 sec
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x81129 = 1/203 sec
Samsung-3 0x94148 = 1/1024 sec
18 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0012
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x20 32
Pentax-3 0x28 40
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x90 144
Pentax-3 0xa0 160
Pentax-3 0xc0 192
Samsung-3 0x20 32
Samsung-3 0x28 40
19 1 bytes uByte_08 Av Aperture Setting
  Only for:
- K10D
Formula is power(10, PentaxEV(eVal-68)*log10(2)/2);
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x4c 76 = 1,41
Pentax-3 0x50 80 = 1,7
Pentax-3 0x57 87 = 2,2
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x81 129 = 14,3
Pentax-3 0x84 132 = 16,0
Pentax-3 0x8c 140 = 22,6
Samsung-3 0x5c 92 = 2,8
Samsung-3 0x60 96 = 3,4
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x80 128 = 13,5
Samsung-3 0x84 132 = 16,0
19 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0013
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x10 16
Pentax-3 0x14 20
Pentax-3 : :
Pentax-3 0x84 132
Pentax-3 0x90 144
Pentax-3 0xc0 192
Samsung-3 0x3b 59
Samsung-3 0x40 64
Samsung-3 0x48 72
20 1 bytes uByte_08 Sv ISO Setting
  Only for:
- K10D
Formula is int(100*power(10, PentaxEV(eVal-32)*log10(2))+0.5);
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x20 32 = 100
Pentax-3 0x23 35 = 126
Pentax-3 0x28 40 = 200
Pentax-3 0x30 48 = 400
Pentax-3 0x34 52 = 566
Pentax-3 0x38 56 = 800
Pentax-3 0x3c 60 = 1131
Pentax-3 0x40 64 = 1600
Samsung-3 0x20 32 = 100
Samsung-3 0x23 35 = 126
Samsung-3 : :
Samsung-3 0x35 53 = 635
Samsung-3 0x3b 59 = 1008
21 1 bytes uByte_08 Base Exposure Compensation
  Only for:
- K10D
Formula is PentaxEv(64-%s)
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax ... ...
Pentax-3 0x30 48 = 2,00
Pentax-3 0x38 56 = 1,00
Pentax-3 0x3b 59 = 0,67
Pentax-3 0x3c 60 = 0,50
Pentax-3 0x3d 61 = 0,33
Pentax-3 0x40 64 = 0,00
Pentax-3 0x43 67 = 0,42
Pentax-3 0x44 68 = 0,50
Pentax-3 0x45 69 = 0,58
Pentax-3 0x48 72 = 1,00
Samsung-3 0x30 48 = 2,00
Samsung-3 0x38 56 = 1,00
Samsung-3 0x3b 59 = 0,67
Samsung-3 0x3c 60 = 0,50
Samsung-3 0x40 64 = 0,00
22 1 bytes uByte_08 Pentax-3-0x0205-0x0016
  Values found 0 and 108
For BenQ-type-13, Kodak-type-11, Pentax-type-3, Pentax-type-10, Samsung-type-3 see found values
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x05 5
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x19 25

Generated by GexifView 2014-06-03