EXIF: Pentax-3 tag0x0205-0x0002 Makernotes

Pentax type 3 Tag-0x0205-0x0002 Information

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Pentax-3 tag0x0205-0x0002 Tag overview

Tag nr hexnrDescription
0x0000 0Metering Mode2
0x0001 1Flash Options

Pentax-3 tag0x0205-0x0002 Detailed Tag overview

Tag nr hex
nr Data size Data type Tag Name
# 0x... xxxxxxx

 Detailed tag overview
0 1 bytes uByte_08 Metering Mode2
  Bits b0-b3, b3 is used by *IST-D and K7
b0 0x....Center-weighted average
b1 0x....Spot
Pentax-3 0x00 0
Pentax-3 0x011 = Center-weighted average
Pentax-3 0x02 2 = Spot
Pentax-3 0x08 8 = b3 ???
Samsung-3 0x00 0
Samsung-3 0x011 = Center-weighted average
Samsung-3 0x02 2 = Spot
1 1 bytes uByte_08 Flash Options
  Bits b4-b7, x0040 used by K100D and K110D
0x0000 0x....Normal
0x0010 0x....Red-eye reduction
0x0020 0x....Auto
0x0030 0x....Auto, Red-eye reduction
0x0040 0x....0x0040 ???
0x0050 0x....Wireless (Master)
0x0060 0x....Wireless (Control)
0x0080 0x....Slow-sync
0x0090 0x....Slow-sync, Red-eye reduction
0x00a0 0x....Trailing-curtain Sync
Pentax-3 0x00 0 = Normal
Pentax-3 0x1016 = Red-eye reduction
Pentax-3 0x20 32 = Auto
Pentax-3 0x3048 = Auto, Red-eye reduction
Pentax-3 0x4064 = 0x0040 ???
Pentax-3 0x5080 = Wireless (Master)
Pentax-3 0x80128 = Slow-sync
Pentax-3 0xa0160 = Trailing-curtain Sync
Samsung-3 0x00 0 = Normal
Samsung-3 0x1016 = Red-eye reduction
Samsung-3 0x20 32 = Auto
Samsung-3 0x80128 = Slow-sync
Samsung-3 0xa0160 = Trailing-curtain Sync

Generated by GexifView 2014-06-03