EXIF: Olympus tag0x2700 Makernotes

This Olympus tags-0x2700 subtags, used Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3

Please report any faults, or missing stuff, thanks in advance Ger

Olympus tag0x2700 Tag overview

Tag nr hexnrDescription

Olympus tag0x2700 Detailed Tag overview

Tag nr hex
nr Data size Data type Tag Name
# 0x... xxxxxxx

 Detailed tag overview
- 2 bytes uShort16 Olympus-0x2700-Directory
  Number of data entries
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x05005 = Directory 5 entries
Sony-2 0x0700Directory 7 entries
Sony-3 0x0700Directory 7 entries
1792 2 bytes sShort16 Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0700
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x2400 36
BenQ-11 0x2700 39
Sony-2 0x0900 9
Sony-2 0x0f00 15
Sony-2 0x1100 17
Sony-2 0x1200 18
Sony-2 0x1300 19
Sony-2 0x1400 20
Sony-2 0x1500 21
Sony-3 0x0700 7
Sony-3 0x0800 8
Sony-3 0x0900 9
Sony-3 0x0a00 10
Sony-3 0x0c00 12
1793 2 bytes sShort16 or uShort16 Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0701
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x0000 0
Sony-2 0xcbff -53
Sony-2 0xd6ff -42
Sony-3 0xe3ff -29
1794 2 bytes sShort16 or uShort16 Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0702
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x73fe -397
BenQ-11 0xb8fe -328
Sony-2 0xd1fe -303
Sony-2 0x20ff -224
Sony-3 0xf4fe -268
1795 2 bytes uShort16 Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0703
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x5200 82
BenQ-11 0x5d00 93
BenQ-11 0x5e00 94
BenQ-11 : :
BenQ-11 0x6901 361
BenQ-11 0xa401 420
BenQ-11 0x4903 841
Sony-2 0xe000 224
Sony-2 : :
Sony-2 0x8c02 652
Sony-3 0x0b01 267
Sony-3 : :
Sony-3 0x3502 565
1796 1 bytes uByte_08 Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0704
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x02 2
BenQ-11 0x03 3
BenQ-11 0x04 4
BenQ-11 0x05 5
BenQ-11 0x0c 12
Sony-2 0x00 0
Sony-2 0x01 1
Sony-2 0x02 2
Sony-2 0x03 3
Sony-2 0x04 4
Sony-2 0x05 5
Sony-2 0x07 7
Sony-2 0x08 8
Sony-2 0x09 9
Sony-2 0x0a 10
Sony-3 0x00 0
Sony-3 0x01 1
Sony-3 0x02 2
Sony-3 0x03 3
Sony-3 0x05 5
Sony-3 0x06 6
Sony-3 0x0a 10
1797 1 bytes uByte_08 Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0705
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
Sony-2 0x50 80
Sony-3 0x50 80
1798 1 bytes uByte_08 Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0706
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
Sony-2 0x50 80
Sony-3 0x50 80

Generated by GexifView 2012/12/03