Entries |
- |
2 bytes |
uShort16 |
Olympus-0x2700-Directory | |
Number of data entries For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x0500 | 5 = Directory 5 entries |
Sony-2 | 0x0700 | Directory 7 entries |
Sony-3 | 0x0700 | Directory 7 entries |
0x0700 |
1792 |
2 bytes |
sShort16 |
Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0700 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x2400 | 36 |
BenQ-11 | 0x2700 | 39 |
Sony-2 | 0x0900 | 9 |
Sony-2 | 0x0f00 | 15 |
Sony-2 | 0x1100 | 17 |
Sony-2 | 0x1200 | 18 |
Sony-2 | 0x1300 | 19 |
Sony-2 | 0x1400 | 20 |
Sony-2 | 0x1500 | 21 |
Sony-3 | 0x0700 | 7 |
Sony-3 | 0x0800 | 8 |
Sony-3 | 0x0900 | 9 |
Sony-3 | 0x0a00 | 10 |
Sony-3 | 0x0c00 | 12 |
0x0701 |
1793 |
2 bytes |
sShort16 or uShort16 |
Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0701 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x0000 | 0 |
Sony-2 | 0xcbff | -53 |
Sony-2 | 0xd6ff | -42 |
Sony-3 | 0xe3ff | -29 |
0x0702 |
1794 |
2 bytes |
sShort16 or uShort16 |
Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0702 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x73fe | -397 |
BenQ-11 | 0xb8fe | -328 |
Sony-2 | 0xd1fe | -303 |
Sony-2 | 0x20ff | -224 |
Sony-3 | 0xf4fe | -268 |
0x0703 |
1795 |
2 bytes |
uShort16 |
Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0703 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x5200 | 82 |
BenQ-11 | 0x5d00 | 93 |
BenQ-11 | 0x5e00 | 94 |
BenQ-11 | : | : |
BenQ-11 | 0x6901 | 361 |
BenQ-11 | 0xa401 | 420 |
BenQ-11 | 0x4903 | 841 |
Sony-2 | 0xe000 | 224 |
Sony-2 | : | : |
Sony-2 | 0x8c02 | 652 |
Sony-3 | 0x0b01 | 267 |
Sony-3 | : | : |
Sony-3 | 0x3502 | 565 |
0x0704 |
1796 |
1 bytes |
uByte_08 |
Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0704 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x02 | 2 |
BenQ-11 | 0x03 | 3 |
BenQ-11 | 0x04 | 4 |
BenQ-11 | 0x05 | 5 |
BenQ-11 | 0x0c | 12 |
Sony-2 | 0x00 | 0 |
Sony-2 | 0x01 | 1 |
Sony-2 | 0x02 | 2 |
Sony-2 | 0x03 | 3 |
Sony-2 | 0x04 | 4 |
Sony-2 | 0x05 | 5 |
Sony-2 | 0x07 | 7 |
Sony-2 | 0x08 | 8 |
Sony-2 | 0x09 | 9 |
Sony-2 | 0x0a | 10 |
Sony-3 | 0x00 | 0 |
Sony-3 | 0x01 | 1 |
Sony-3 | 0x02 | 2 |
Sony-3 | 0x03 | 3 |
Sony-3 | 0x05 | 5 |
Sony-3 | 0x06 | 6 |
Sony-3 | 0x0a | 10 |
0x0705 |
1797 |
1 bytes |
uByte_08 |
Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0705 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
Sony-2 | 0x50 | 80 |
Sony-3 | 0x50 | 80 |
0x0706 |
1798 |
1 bytes |
uByte_08 |
Olympus-1-0x2700-0x0706 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
Sony-2 | 0x50 | 80 |
Sony-3 | 0x50 | 80 |