EXIF: GPS tag-info Makernotes

The format of the PrintIM information is known, however the PrintIM tags are unknown

Please report any faults, or missing stuff, thanks in advance Ger

GPS tag-info Tag overview

Tag nr hexnrDescription
0x0000 0GPS Version
0x0001 1GPS Latitude Reference
0x0002 2GPS Latitude
0x0003 3GPS Longitude Reference
0x0004 4GPS Longitude
0x0005 5GPS Altitude Reference
0x0006 6GPS Altitude
0x0007 7GPS Time Stamp
0x0008 8GPS Satellites
0x0009 9GPS Status
0x000a 10GPS Measure Mode
0x000b 11GPS Measurement Precision
0x000c 12GPS Speed Ref
0x000d 13GPS Speed
0x000e 14GPS Track Ref
0x000f 15GPS Track
Tag nr hexnrDescription
0x0010 16GPS Image Direction Ref
0x0011 17GPS Image Direction
0x0012 18GPS Map Datum
0x0013 19GPS Dest Latitude Ref
0x0014 20GPS Dest Latitude
0x0015 21GPS Dest Longitude Ref
0x0016 22GPS Dest Longitude
0x0017 23GPS Dest Bearingk Ref
0x0018 24GPS Dest Bearing
0x0019 25GPS Dest Distance Ref
0x001a 26GPS Dest Distance
0x001b 27GPS Processing Mode
0x001c 28GPS Area Information
0x001d 29GPS Date Stamp
0x001e 30GPS Differential
0x001f 31GPSH Positioning Error

GPS tag-info Detailed Tag overview

Tag nr hex
nr Data size Data type Tag Name
# 0x... xxxxxxx

 Detailed tag overview
- 2 bytes uShort16 GPS-Directory
  Number of data entries
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x00044 = Directory 4 entries
GPS 0x00077 = Directory 7 entries
GPS 0x000b11 = Directory 11 entries
GPS 0x001016 = Directory 16 entries
GPS 0x001420 = Directory 20 entries
Exif 0x001521 = Directory 21 entries
Exif 0x001925 = Directory 25 entries
Exif 0x001b27 = Directory 27 entries
Exif 0x001e30 = Directory 30 entries
Exif 0x001f31 = Directory 31 entries
GPS 0x01001 = Directory 1 entries
GPS 0x06006 = Directory 6 entries
GPS 0x07007 = Directory 7 entries
GPS 0x08008 = Directory 8 entries
GPS 0x0b0011 = Directory 11 entries
GPS 0x0d0013 = Directory 13 entries
GPS 0x120018 = Directory 18 entries
GPS 0x130019 = Directory 19 entries
0 3 or 4 bytes Undef_08 or uByte_08[3 or 4] GPS Version
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x0202002, 2, 0 = 2.2.0
GPS 0x020000002, 0, 0, 0 =
Exif 0x020200002, 2, 0, 0 =
GPS 0x020300002, 3, 0, 0 =
GPS 0x3232303050, 50, 48, 48 =
1 1, 2 or 7 bytes Ascii[1, 2 or 7] GPS Latitude Reference
For GPS see found values
0x.... n/a
N 0x.... North
S 0x.... South
N...W 0x.... North
GPS 0x4e N = North
GPS 0x0000 = n/a
Exif 0x4e00 N = North
Exif 0x5300 S = South
GPS 0x4e000000570000N...W = North
2 24 bytes uRatio64[3] GPS Latitude
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x0000000000000000..0/0, 0/0, 0/0 = 0 Degrees 0 Minutes 0 Seconds
GPS 0x0000001f00000001..31/1, 59/1, 31683/1000 = 31 Degrees 59 Minutes 32 Seconds
GPS 0x0000002300000001..35/1, 34/1, 5318/100 = 35 Degrees 34 Minutes 53 Seconds
GPS : :
GPS 0x2b00000001000000..43/1, 45/1, 115/10 = 43 Degrees 45 Minutes 12 Seconds
GPS 0x3300000001000000..51/1, 26/1, 3767/100 = 51 Degrees 26 Minutes 38 Seconds
GPS 0x3600000001000000..54/1, 5938/100, 0/1 = 54 Degrees 59 Minutes 23 Seconds
3 1, 2 or 7 bytes Ascii[1, 2 or 7] GPS Longitude Reference
For GPS see found values
0x.... n/a
E 0x.... East
W 0x.... West
W...E._ 0x.... West
GPS 0x57 W = West
GPS 0x0000 = n/a
Exif 0x4500 E = East
Exif 0x5700 W = West
GPS 0x5700000045005fW...E._ = West
4 24 bytes uRatio64[3] GPS Longitude
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x0000000000000000..0/0, 0/0, 0/0 = 0 Degrees 0 Minutes 0 Seconds
GPS 0x0000000000000001..0/1, 6/1, 42/100 = 0 Degrees 6 Minutes 0 Seconds
GPS 0x0000000001000000..0/1, 18/1, 4438/100 = 0 Degrees 18 Minutes 44 Seconds
GPS : :
GPS 0x8a00000001000000..138/1, 21834/1000, 0/1 = 138 Degrees 21 Minutes 50 Seconds
GPS 0x8b00000001000000..139/1, 29/1, 41831/1000 = 139 Degrees 29 Minutes 42 Seconds
GPS 0x9c00000001000000..156/1, 23/1, 52362/1000 = 156 Degrees 23 Minutes 52 Seconds
5 1 bytes uByte_08 GPS Altitude Reference
For GPS see found values
0 0x0000Above sea level
1 0x0001Below sea level
Exif 0x000 = Above sea level
GPS 0x011 = Below sea level
6 8 bytes uRatio64 GPS Altitude
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x0000000000000000 0/0
Exif 0x00000000000000010/1 = 0 meters
Exif 0x00000000000000640/100 = 0 meters
Exif 0x000000100000000116/1 = 16 meters
Exif 0x0000002e0000000146/1 = 46 meters
Exif : :
Exif 0x00000629000000011577/1 = 1577 meters
Exif 0x0000062c000000011580/1 = 1580 meters
Exif 0x0000062f000000011583/1 = 1583 meters
7 24 bytes uRatio64[3] GPS Time Stamp
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x0000000000000000..0/0, 0/0, 0/0 = 00:00:00
GPS 0x0000000001000000..0/1, 20/1, 42/1 = 00:20:42
GPS 0x0000000a00000001..10/1, 6/1, 6/1 = 10:06:06
GPS : :
GPS 0x0a00000001000000..10/1, 35/1, 15/1 = 10:35:15
GPS 0x0e00000001000000..14/1, 58/1, 24/1 = 14:58:24
GPS 0x1000000001000000..16/1, 9/1, 12/1 = 16:09:12
8 3, 9, 48, 90 or 160 bytes Ascii[..] GPS Satellites
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x3500 5
GPS 0x000000
GPS 0x303500 05
GPS 0x313100 11
GPS 0x3131000000000000.. 11
Exif 0x2020202020202020..
Exif 0x30322c31322c3035..02,12,05,04,30,10,09,24,,,,
Exif 0x30372c32352c3133..07,25,13,27,08,11,19,,,,,
Exif 0x30382c32372c3032..08,27,02,29,10,,,,,,,
Exif : :
Exif 0x32332c30362c3136..23,06,16,,,,,,,,,
Exif 0x32392c31302c3038..29,10,08,27,,,,,,,,
Exif 0x32392c31302c3238..29,10,28,09,26,08,,,,,,
9 2 bytes Ascii[2] GPS Status
For GPS see found values
A 0x....Measurement Active
V 0x....Measurement Void
Exif 0x4100A = Measurement Active
Exif 0x5600V = Measurement Void
10 2 bytes Ascii[2] GPS Measure Mode
For GPS see found values
2 0x00022-D measurement
3 0x00033-D measurement
Exif 0x32002 = 2-D measurement
Exif 0x33003 = 3-D measurement
11 8 bytes uRatio64 GPS Measurement Precision
For GPS see found values
Exif 0x0000000000000001 0/1
Exif 0x0000000000000064 0/100
GPS 0x0000000b0000000a 11/10
GPS 0x090000000a000000 9/10
GPS 0x180000000a000000 24/10
Exif 0x000000d200000064 210/100
Exif 0x000000e600000064 230/100
Exif : :
Exif 0x0000022600000064 550/100
Exif 0x0000023a00000064 570/100
Exif 0x0000039800000064 920/100
12 1 or 2 bytes Ascii[1 or 2] GPS Speed Ref
For GPS see found values
0x.... not available
K 0x....Kilometers per hour
M 0x....Miles per hour
N 0x....Knots per hour
GPS 0x4bK = Kilometers per hour
GPS 0x2000= not available
Exif 0x4b00K = Kilometers per hour
Exif 0x4e00N = Knots per hour
13 8 bytes uRatio64 GPS Speed
For GPS see found values
Exif 0x0000000000000001 0/1
Exif 0x0000000100000001 1/1
Exif 0x0000000200000001 2/1
Exif 0x0000000300000001 3/1
Exif 0x0000000400000001 4/1
GPS 0x250000000a000000 37/10
14 2 bytes Ascii[2] GPS Track Ref
For GPS see found values
0x.... not available
M 0x....Magnetic North
T 0x....True North
GPS 0x2000= not available
Exif 0x5400T = True North
15 8 bytes uRatio64 GPS Track
For GPS see found values
Exif 0x0000000000000001 0/1
Exif 0x0000004b00000001 75/1
Exif 0x0000005900000001 89/1
Exif 0x0000005e00000001 94/1
Exif : :
Exif 0x0000011300000001 275/1
Exif 0x0000011500000001 277/1
Exif 0x0000013a00000001 314/1
GPS 0x8c46000064000000 18060/100
16 1 or 2 bytes Ascii[1 or 2] GPS Image Direction Ref
For GPS see found values
0x.... not available
M 0x....Magnetic North
T 0x....True North
Exif 0x4d00M = Magnetic North
GPS 0x0000= not available
Exif 0x5400T = True North
17 8 bytes uRatio64 GPS Image Direction
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x0000000000000000 0/0
Exif 0x0000000000000001 0/1
Exif 0x0000004b00000001 75/1
Exif 0x0000005900000001 89/1
Exif : :
Exif 0x00000d3d0000000a 3389/10
Exif 0x0000256200000064 9570/100
Exif 0x00004ef200000064 20210/100
Exif 0x0000738200000064 29570/100
18 6, 7, 10 or 32 bytes Ascii[..] GPS Map Datum
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x544f4b594f00 TOKYO
GPS 0x574753383400 WGS84
GPS 0x5747532d383400 WGS-84
GPS 0x0000000000000000..
Exif 0x5747532d38342020.. WGS-84
19 2 bytes Ascii[2] GPS Dest Latitude Ref
For GPS see found values
0x.... n/a
N 0x.... North
S 0x.... South
Exif 0x0000 = n/a
20 24 bytes uRatio64[3] GPS Dest Latitude
For GPS see found values
Exif 0x0000000000000000..0/0, 0/0, 0/0 = 0 Degrees 0 Minutes 0 Seconds
21 2 bytes Ascii[2] GPS Dest Longitude Ref
For GPS see found values
0x.... n/a
E 0x.... East
W 0x.... West
Exif 0x0000 = n/a
22 24 bytes uRatio64[3] GPS Dest Longitude
For GPS see found values
Exif 0x0000000000000000..0/0, 0/0, 0/0 = 0 Degrees 0 Minutes 0 Seconds
23 2 bytes Ascii[2] GPS Dest Bearingk Ref
For GPS see found values
0x.... not filled in
M 0x....Magnetic North
T 0x....True North
Exif 0x0000= not filled in
Exif 0x4d00M = Magnetic North
Exif 0x5400T = True North
24 8 bytes uRatio64 GPS Dest Bearing
For GPS see found values
Exif 0x0000000000000000 0/0
Exif 0x0000256200000064 9570/100
Exif 0x00004ef200000064 20210/100
Exif 0x0000738200000064 29570/100
25 2 bytes Ascii[2] GPS Dest Distance Ref
For GPS see found values
0x.... not filled in
K 0x....Kilometers per hour
M 0x....Miles per hour
N 0x....Nautical Miles per hour
Exif 0x0000= not filled in
Exif 0x4b00K = Kilometers per hour
26 8 bytes uRatio64 GPS Dest Distance
For GPS see found values
Exif 0x0000000000000000 0/0
Exif 0x0000000000000001 0/1
27 1, 4, 14, 15 or 18 bytes Undef_08[..] GPS Processing Mode
For GPS see found values
Exif 0x00
GPS 0x47505300 GPS
GPS 0x4153434949000000.. ASCII...GPS
GPS 0x4153434949000000..ASCII...GPS-FIX
GPS 0x4153434949000000..ASCII...NETWORK
GPS 0x4153434949000000..ASCII...HYBRID-FIX
28 128 OR 164 bytes Undef_08[..] GPS Area Information
For GPS see found values
Exif 0x00
GPS 0x0000000000000000...........Borek FaÅ.Ä.cki
GPS 0x0000000000000000..
29 11 bytes Ascii[11] GPS Date Stamp
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x3230313100 2011
GPS 0x0000000000000000..
GPS 0x323030333a30353a.. 2003:05:24
GPS : :
GPS 0x3230313100303400.. 2011.04.21
GPS 0x323031313a30333a.. 2011:03:02
GPS 0x323031313a30383a.. 2011:08:10
30 2 bytes uShort16 GPS Differential
For GPS see found values
0 0x0000No correction
1 0x0001Correction applied
Exif : :
Exif 0x00000 = No correction
Exif 0x00011 = Correction applied
31 8 bytes uRatio64 GPSH Positioning Error
For GPS see found values
GPS 0x00000000000000010/1 = 0 meters

Generated by GexifView 2013/01/10