Entries |
- |
2 bytes |
uShort16 |
Olympus-0x2400-Directory | |
Number of data entries For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x0400 | 4 = Directory 4 entries |
Sony-2 | 0x0400 | Directory 4 entries |
Sony-3 | 0x0400 | Directory 4 entries |
0x0400 |
1024 |
1 bytes |
uByte_08 |
Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0400 | |
Range 0-5 For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
Range = 0->5 |
BenQ-11 | 0x04 | 4 |
BenQ-11 | 0x05 | 5 |
Sony-2 | 0x00 | 0 |
Sony-2 | 0x01 | 1 |
Sony-3 | 0x00 | 0 |
Sony-3 | 0x01 | 1 |
Sony-3 | 0x02 | 2 |
Sony-3 | 0x03 | 3 |
0x0401 |
1025 |
1 or 2 bytes |
uByte_08 or uShort16 |
Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0401 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x490a | 2633 |
BenQ-11 | 0xac0a | 2732 |
BenQ-11 | 0x1a0b | 2842 |
BenQ-11 | : | : |
BenQ-11 | 0x200d | 3360 |
BenQ-11 | 0x070e | 3591 |
BenQ-11 | 0x530e | 3667 |
Sony-2 | 0xb0 | 176 |
Sony-2 | : | : |
Sony-2 | 0xf6 | 246 |
Sony-3 | 0x84 | 132 |
Sony-3 | : | : |
Sony-3 | 0x97 | 151 |
0x0402 |
1026 |
1 or 2 bytes |
uByte_08 or uShort16 |
Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0402 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x0000 | 0 |
BenQ-11 | 0x640b | 2916 |
BenQ-11 | 0x7a0b | 2938 |
BenQ-11 | : | : |
BenQ-11 | 0x3b0d | 3387 |
BenQ-11 | 0x6e0e | 3694 |
BenQ-11 | 0x830e | 3715 |
Sony-2 | 0xc1 | 193 |
Sony-2 | : | : |
Sony-2 | 0xfa | 250 |
Sony-3 | 0x7f | 127 |
Sony-3 | : | : |
Sony-3 | 0xb1 | 177 |
0x0403 |
1027 |
1 or 2 bytes |
uByte_08 or uShort16 |
Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0403 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |
BenQ-11 | 0x870a | 2695 |
BenQ-11 | 0xb10a | 2737 |
BenQ-11 | 0x350b | 2869 |
BenQ-11 | : | : |
BenQ-11 | 0x150d | 3349 |
BenQ-11 | 0x5a0e | 3674 |
BenQ-11 | 0x6c0e | 3692 |
Sony-2 | 0xac | 172 |
Sony-2 | : | : |
Sony-2 | 0xfa | 250 |
Sony-3 | 0x77 | 119 |
Sony-3 | : | : |
Sony-3 | 0x96 | 150 |
0x0404 |
1028 |
1 or 2 bytes |
uByte_08 or uShort16 |
Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0404 | |
... For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values |