EXIF: Olympus tag0x2400 Makernotes

This Olympus tags-0x2400 subtags, used Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3

Please report any faults, or missing stuff, thanks in advance Ger

Olympus tag0x2400 Tag overview

Tag nr hexnrDescription

Olympus tag0x2400 Detailed Tag overview

Tag nr hex
nr Data size Data type Tag Name
# 0x... xxxxxxx

 Detailed tag overview
- 2 bytes uShort16 Olympus-0x2400-Directory
  Number of data entries
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x04004 = Directory 4 entries
Sony-2 0x0400Directory 4 entries
Sony-3 0x0400Directory 4 entries
1024 1 bytes uByte_08 Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0400
  Range 0-5
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
Range = 0->5
BenQ-11 0x04 4
BenQ-11 0x05 5
Sony-2 0x00 0
Sony-2 0x01 1
Sony-3 0x00 0
Sony-3 0x01 1
Sony-3 0x02 2
Sony-3 0x03 3
1025 1 or 2 bytes uByte_08 or uShort16 Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0401
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x490a 2633
BenQ-11 0xac0a 2732
BenQ-11 0x1a0b 2842
BenQ-11 : :
BenQ-11 0x200d 3360
BenQ-11 0x070e 3591
BenQ-11 0x530e 3667
Sony-2 0xb0 176
Sony-2 : :
Sony-2 0xf6 246
Sony-3 0x84 132
Sony-3 : :
Sony-3 0x97 151
1026 1 or 2 bytes uByte_08 or uShort16 Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0402
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x0000 0
BenQ-11 0x640b 2916
BenQ-11 0x7a0b 2938
BenQ-11 : :
BenQ-11 0x3b0d 3387
BenQ-11 0x6e0e 3694
BenQ-11 0x830e 3715
Sony-2 0xc1 193
Sony-2 : :
Sony-2 0xfa 250
Sony-3 0x7f 127
Sony-3 : :
Sony-3 0xb1 177
1027 1 or 2 bytes uByte_08 or uShort16 Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0403
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values
BenQ-11 0x870a 2695
BenQ-11 0xb10a 2737
BenQ-11 0x350b 2869
BenQ-11 : :
BenQ-11 0x150d 3349
BenQ-11 0x5a0e 3674
BenQ-11 0x6c0e 3692
Sony-2 0xac 172
Sony-2 : :
Sony-2 0xfa 250
Sony-3 0x77 119
Sony-3 : :
Sony-3 0x96 150
1028 1 or 2 bytes uByte_08 or uShort16 Olympus-1-0x2400-0x0404
For BenQ-type-11, BenQ-type-12, Olumpus-type-1, Olympus-type-2, Pentax-type-2, Sony-type-2 and Sony-type-3 see found values

Generated by GexifView 2012/12/03