EXIF: Samsung type12 Makernotes

Makernote type-12 data

Please report any faults, or missing stuff, thanks in advance Ger

Samsung type12 Type information

MakerNoteType   Samsung Type-12
Header String " ZP:"
  Length 4 bytes
TagTable Type Samsung-12, data-type
  Order ?
  Offset 0
general info   Data dump string type format

Samsung type12 Camera's

Camera Make Model Makernote
Makernote Hex Mega
Samsung-Digimax-A4 SAMSUNG TECHWIN CO., LTD. Digimax A4/Kenox D4 Samsung-12 0210 II 460 ZP:2344; FP:394; AW 20 5a 50 3a 32 33 34 34 3b 20 46 50 3a 33 39 34 3b 20 41 57 .. 3,9Mpix 2004:07
Samsung-Digimax-A5 SAMSUNG TECHWIN CO., LTD. Digimax A5 Samsung-12 0210 II 460 ZP:808; FP:242; AWB 20 5a 50 3a 38 30 38 3b 20 46 50 3a 32 34 32 3b 20 41 57 42 .. 5,0Mpix 2004:02
Samsung-Digimax-A6 SAMSUNG TECHWIN CO., LTD. Digimax A6 Samsung-12 0210 II 460 ZP:1171; FP:155; AW 20 5a 50 3a 31 31 37 31 3b 20 46 50 3a 31 35 35 3b 20 41 57 .. 5,9Mpix 2004:01
Samsung-Digimax-A7 SAMSUNG TECHWIN CO., LTD. Digimax A7/Kenox D7 Samsung-12 0210 II 460 ZP:815; FP:186; AWB 20 5a 50 3a 38 31 35 3b 20 46 50 3a 31 38 36 3b 20 41 57 42 .. 7,1Mpix 2005:02

Samsung type12 Tag overview

Tag nr hexnrDescription
Entries-Samsung-12 Directory
0x0000 0Text

Samsung type12 Detailed Tag overview

Tag nr hex
nr Data size Data type Tag Name
# 0x... xxxxxxx

 Detailed tag overview
- 2 bytes uShort16 Samsung-12 Directory
  Number of data bytes
For Samsung-type-12 see found values
Samsung-12 -460 = Directory 460 bytes
0 460 bytes Ascii[460] Text
  Starts with "ZP:" followed by more values
For Samsung-type-12 see found values
Samsung-12 0x205a503a31383430..ZP:...; FP:...; AWB:...,...; PWB:....

This is an example of the text type tag

20 5a 50 3a 38 31 32 3b 20 46 50 3a 32 32 32 3b  ZP:812; FP:222;
20 41 57 42 3a 33 30 36 2c 34 36 30 3b 20 50 57  AWB:306,460; PW
42 3a 35 35 38 2c 32 33 30 3b 20 50 4d 46 3a 33 B:558,230; PMF:3
2c 33 30 30 30 3b 20 4c 56 3a 34 31 32 3b 20 00 ,3000; LV:412; .
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Generated by GexifView 2014-06-03