EXIF: Nikon-2 tag0x0024 Makernotes

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Nikon-2 tag0x0024 Tag overview

Tag nr hexnrDescription
0x0000 0Timezone
0x0002 2Daylight Savings
0x0003 3Date Display Format

Nikon-2 tag0x0024 Detailed Tag overview

Tag nr hex
nr Data size Data type Tag Name
# 0x... xxxxxxx

 Detailed tag overview
- 2 bytes uShort16 Nikon-2-0x0024-Directory
  Number of data entries
For Nikon-type-2 and Nikon-type-3 see found values
Nikon-3 -4 = Directory 4 bytes
0 2 bytes undefined[4] Timezone
For Nikon-type-2 and Nikon-type-3 see found values
Nikon-3 0x0000 0 = 0,0 hour
Nikon-3 0x003c60 = 1,0 hour
Nikon-3 0x0078120 = 2,0 hour
Nikon-3 0x01e0480 = 8,0 hour
Nikon-3 0x021c540 = 9,0 hour
Nikon-3 0x0258600 = 10,0 hour
Nikon-3 0x1c02540 = 9,0 hour
Nikon-3 0xe001480 = 8,0 hour
Nikon-3 0xfe20-480 = -8,0 hour
Nikon-3 0xfe98-360 = -6,0 hour
Nikon-3 0xfed4-300 = -5,0 hour
2 1 bytes undefined[1] Daylight Savings
For Nikon-type-2 and Nikon-type-3 see found values
0 0x0000 No
1 0x0001 Yes
Nikon-3 0x00 0 = No
Nikon-3 0x01 1 = Yes
3 1 bytes undefined[1] Date Display Format
For Nikon-type-2 and Nikon-type-3 see found values
0 0x0000 Y/M/D
1 0x0001 M/D/Y
2 0x0002 D/M/Y
Nikon-3 0x00 0 = Y/M/D
Nikon-3 0x01 1 = M/D/Y
Nikon-3 0x02 2 = D/M/Y

Generated by GexifView 2011/12/24