EXIF: Canon tag0x0004 Makernotes

Canon Makernote tag 4 ShotInfo-datadump

Please report any faults, or missing stuff, thanks in advance Ger

Canon tag0x0004 Tag overview

Tag nr hexnrDescription
0x0000 0Canon Shot Info Length
0x0001 1Auto ISO
0x0002 2Base ISO
0x0003 3Measured EV
0x0004 4Target Aperture
0x0005 5Target Exposure Time
0x0006 6Exposure Compensation
0x0007 7White Balance
0x0008 8Slow Shutter
0x0009 9Sequence Number
0x000a 10Optical Zoom Code
0x000b 11Optical Zoom Step
0x000c 12Canon-0x0004-0x000c
0x000d 13Flash Guide Number
0x000e 14Focused AF Area (AiAF)
0x000f 15Flash Exposure Compensation
0x0010 16Auto Exposure Bracketing
Tag nr hexnrDescription
0x0011 17AEB Bracket Value
0x0012 18Control Mode
0x0013 19Focus Distance Upper
0x0014 20Focus Distance Lower
0x0015 21F Number
0x0016 22Exposure Time1
0x0016 22Exposure Time
0x0017 23Measured EV 2
0x0018 24Bulb Duration
0x0019 25Canon-0x0004-0x0019
0x001a 26Camera Type
0x001b 27Auto Rotate
0x001c 28ND Filter
0x001d 29Self Timer2
0x001e 30Canon-0x0004-0x001e
0x001f 31Canon-0x0004-0x001f
0x0020 32BKT Focus
0x0021 33Flash Output

Canon tag0x0004 Detailed Tag overview

Tag nr hex
nr Data size Data type Tag Name
# 0x... xxxxxxx

 Detailed tag overview
- 2 bytes uShort16 Canon-0x0004-Directory
  Number of data entries
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon -28 = Directory 14 entries
Canon -30 = Directory 15 entries
Canon -50 = Directory 25 entries
Canon -52 = Directory 26 entries
Canon -54 = Directory 27 entries
Canon -56 = Directory 28 entries
Canon -66 = Directory 33 entries
Canon -68 = Directory 34 entries
0 28, 30, 50, 52, 54, 56, 66 or 68 bytes uShort16[..] Canon Shot Info Length
  Number of bytes divided by 2
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x003654 = 27 Fields
Canon 0x1c0028 = 14 Fields
Canon 0x1e0030 = 15 Fields
Canon 0x320050 = 25 Fields
Canon 0x340052 = 26 Fields
Canon 0x360054 = 27 Fields
Canon 0x380056 = 28 Fields
Canon 0x420066 = 33 Fields
Canon 0x440068 = 34 Fields
1 2 bytes uShort16 Auto ISO
  Formula is "( exp ( value / 32 * log(2) ) * 100)"
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Range = -32->500
Canon 0x0000 0 = 100
Canon 0x0100 1 = 100
Canon 0x0200 2 = 105
Canon : :
Canon 0x6000 96 = 800
Canon 0x6100 97 = 820
Canon 0x6200 98 = 835
Canon 0x6c00 108 = 1035
Canon 0x7400 116 = 1235
Canon 0x7a00 122 = 1405
Canon 0x8000 128 = 1600
Canon 0x9f00 159 = 3130
Canon 0xe0ff -32 = 50
Canon 0xebff -21 = 65
Canon 0xefff -17 = 70
Canon 0xf3ff -13 = 75
Canon 0xf4ff -12 = 75
Canon 0xf5ff -11 = 80
Canon : f :
Canon 0xfdff -3 = 95
Canon 0xfeff -2 = 95
Canon 0xffff -1 = 100
2 2 bytes uShort16 Base ISO
  Formula is "exp ( ( Value / 32 ) * ln(2) ) * 100 / 32"
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Range = 0->500
Canon 0x00000 = auto (Zoombrowser changed 128->0)
Canon 0x0001 256 = 800
Canon 0x00a0 160 = 100
Canon 0x00b4 180 = 155
Canon 0x00c0 192 = 200
Canon 0x00cc 204 = 260
Canon 0x00e0 224 = 400
Canon 0x0100 256 = 800
Canon 0x0114 276 = 1235
Canon 0x0120 288 = 1600
Canon 0x0a01 266 = 995
Canon 0x0c01 268 = 1035
Canon 0x1401 276 = 1235
Canon 0x2001 288 = 1600
Canon 0x2a01 298 = 1985
Canon 0x2c01 300 = 2075
Canon 0x3401 308 = 2470
Canon 0x4001 320 = 3200
Canon 0x4c01 332 = 4150
Canon 0x5401 340 = 4935
Canon 0x6001 352 = 6400
Canon 0x8000 128 = 50
Canon 0x8001 384 = 12800
Canon 0x80ff -128 = 0
Canon 0x8a00 138 = 60
Canon 0x8b00 139 = 65
Canon 0x8c00 140 = 65
Canon 0x8f00 143 = 70
Canon 0x9500 149 = 80
Canon 0xa000 160 = 100
Canon 0xa001 416 = 25600
Canon 0xa800 168 = 120
Canon 0xaa00 170 = 125
Canon 0xac00 172 = 130
Canon 0xb400 180 = 155
Canon 0xb500 181 = 160
Canon 0xc000 192 = 200
Canon 0xc001 448 = 51200
Canon 0xca00 202 = 250
Canon 0xcc00 204 = 260
Canon 0xd400 212 = 310
Canon 0xd500 213 = 315
Canon 0xdc00 220 = 365
Canon 0xe000 224 = 400
Canon 0xe001 480 = 102400
Canon 0xea00 234 = 495
Canon 0xec00 236 = 520
Canon 0xf200 242 = 590
Canon 0xf400 244 = 615
3 2 bytes sShort16 Measured EV
  Formula is "( value / 32 )"
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0 = 0,00 EV
Canon 0x0001256 = 8,00 EV
Canon 0x0008 8 = 0,25 EV
Canon 0x0014 20 = 0,63 EV
Canon 0x003c 60 = 1,88 EV
Canon : :
Canon 0xfe00254 = 7,94 EV
Canon 0xfeff-2 = -0,06 EV
Canon 0xff00255 = 7,97 EV
Canon 0xffcc-52 = -1,63 EV
Canon 0xffd0-48 = -1,50 EV
Canon 0xffd4-44 = -1,38 EV
Canon 0xffd8-40 = -1,25 EV
Canon 0xffff-1 = -0,03 EV
4 2 bytes sShort16 Target Aperture
  Formula is "exp ( ( value / 32 ) * log(2) / 2 )"
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Range = 0->999
Canon 0x0000 0 = 1,0
Canon 0x0001 256 = 16,0
Canon 0x0060 96 = 2,8
Canon 0x006c 108 = 3,2
Canon 0x0074 116 = 3,5
Canon 0x0080 128 = 4,0
Canon 0x0080 -32768 = 0,0
Canon 0x008c 140 = 4,6
Canon 0x0094 148 = 5,0
Canon 0x00a0 160 = 5,7
Canon 0x00ac 172 = 6,4
Canon 0x00b4 180 = 7,0
Canon 0x00c0 192 = 8,0
Canon 0x00cc 204 = 9,1
Canon 0x00d4 212 = 9,9
Canon 0x00e0 224 = 11,3
Canon 0x00ec 236 = 12,9
Canon 0x00f4 244 = 14,1
Canon 0x0114 276 = 19,9
Canon 0x0b01 267 = 18,0
Canon 0x0c01 268 = 18,2
Canon 0x1400 20 = 1,2
Canon 0x1401 276 = 19,9
Canon 0x1d01 285 = 21,9
Canon 0x2000 32 = 1,4
Canon 0x2001 288 = 22,6
Canon 0x2901 297 = 24,9
Canon 0x2b00 43 = 1,6
Canon 0x2c00 44 = 1,6
Canon 0x3400 52 = 1,8
Canon 0x3401 308 = 28,1
Canon 0x3600 54 = 1,8
Canon 0x3701 311 = 29,0
Canon 0x4000 64 = 2,0
Canon 0x4001 320 = 32,0
Canon 0x4900 73 = 2,2
Canon 0x4b01 331 = 36,0
Canon 0x4c00 76 = 2,3
Canon 0x5100 81 = 2,4
Canon 0x5400 84 = 2,5
Canon 0x5500 85 = 2,5
Canon 0x5800 88 = 2,6
Canon 0x5a00 90 = 2,7
Canon 0x5b00 91 = 2,7
Canon 0x5c00 92 = 2,7
Canon 0x5f00 95 = 2,8
Canon 0x6000 96 = 2,8
Canon 0x6200 98 = 2,9
Canon 0x6400 100 = 3,0
Canon 0x6500 101 = 3,0
Canon 0x6800 104 = 3,1
Canon 0x6a00 106 = 3,2
Canon 0x6b00 107 = 3,2
Canon 0x6c00 108 = 3,2
Canon 0x6d00 109 = 3,3
Canon 0x7100 113 = 3,4
Canon 0x7200 114 = 3,4
Canon 0x7400 116 = 3,5
Canon 0x7600 118 = 3,6
Canon 0x7900 121 = 3,7
Canon 0x7b00 123 = 3,8
Canon 0x7c00 124 = 3,8
Canon 0x7d00 125 = 3,9
Canon 0x7e00 126 = 3,9
Canon 0x7f00 127 = 4,0
Canon 0x8000 128 = 4,0
Canon 0x8200 130 = 4,1
Canon 0x8300 131 = 4,1
Canon 0x8400 132 = 4,2
Canon 0x8700 135 = 4,3
Canon 0x8b00 139 = 4,5
Canon 0x8c00 140 = 4,6
Canon 0x8f00 143 = 4,7
Canon 0x9100 145 = 4,8
Canon 0x9300 147 = 4,9
Canon 0x9400 148 = 5,0
Canon 0x9500 149 = 5,0
Canon 0x9a00 154 = 5,3
Canon 0x9c00 156 = 5,4
Canon 0x9d00 157 = 5,5
Canon 0x9f00 159 = 5,6
Canon 0xa000 160 = 5,7
Canon 0xa100 161 = 5,7
Canon 0xa200 162 = 5,8
Canon 0xa400 164 = 5,9
Canon 0xa700 167 = 6,1
Canon 0xaa00 170 = 6,3
Canon 0xac00 172 = 6,4
Canon 0xae00 174 = 6,6
Canon 0xb000 176 = 6,7
Canon 0xb100 177 = 6,8
Canon 0xb200 178 = 6,9
Canon 0xb300 179 = 6,9
Canon 0xb400 180 = 7,0
Canon 0xb500 181 = 7,1
Canon 0xb600 182 = 7,2
Canon 0xb700 183 = 7,3
Canon 0xb800 184 = 7,3
Canon 0xb900 185 = 7,4
Canon 0xba00 186 = 7,5
Canon 0xbc00 188 = 7,7
Canon 0xbd00 189 = 7,7
Canon 0xbe00 190 = 7,8
Canon 0xbf00 191 = 7,9
Canon 0xc000 192 = 8,0
Canon 0xc100 193 = 8,1
Canon 0xc300 195 = 8,3
Canon 0xc700 199 = 8,6
Canon 0xcb00 203 = 9,0
Canon 0xcc00 204 = 9,1
Canon 0xce00 206 = 9,3
Canon 0xd000 208 = 9,5
Canon 0xd400 212 = 9,9
Canon 0xd500 213 = 10,0
Canon 0xd600 214 = 10,2
Canon 0xd700 215 = 10,3
Canon 0xdd00 221 = 11,0
Canon 0xde00 222 = 11,1
Canon 0xe000 224 = 11,3
Canon 0xe0ff -32 = 0,7
Canon 0xec00 236 = 12,9
Canon 0xed00 237 = 13,0
Canon 0xf400 244 = 14,1
Canon 0xff7f32767 = # Erronous value
5 2 bytes sShort16 Target Exposure Time
  Formula is "exp ( ( value / 32 ) * log(2) )"
Range from -160 upto 416
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Range = -32768,-200->999
Canon 0x00000 = 1,0 sec [1,00]
Canon 0x0001256 = 1/250 sec [0,0039 = 1/256,00]
Canon 0x000c12 = 0,8 sec [0,77]
Canon 0x002c44 = 0,4 sec [0,39]
Canon 0x004c76 = 1/5 sec [0,1928 = 1/5,19]
Canon 0x0080 -32768 = n/a
Canon 0x00a0160 = 1/30 sec [0,0313 = 1/32,00]
Canon 0x00ac172 = 1/40 sec [0,0241 = 1/41,50]
Canon 0x00b4180 = 1/50 sec [0,0203 = 1/49,35]
Canon 0x00c0192 = 1/60 sec [0,0156 = 1/64,00]
Canon 0x00cc204 = 1/80 sec [0,0120 = 1/83,00]
Canon 0x00d4212 = 1/100 sec [0,0101 = 1/98,70]
Canon 0x00e0224 = 1/125 sec [0,0078 = 1/128,00]
Canon 0x00ec236 = 1/170 sec [0,0060 = 1/166,00]
Canon 0x00f4244 = 1/200 sec [0,0051 = 1/197,40]
Canon 0x0100256 = 1/250 sec [0,0039 = 1/256,00]
Canon 0x0101257 = 1/250 sec [0,0038 = 1/261,61]
Canon 0x010c268 = 1/320 sec [0,0030 = 1/331,99]
Canon 0x0114276 = 1/400 sec [0,0025 = 1/394,81]
Canon 0x0120288 = 1/500 sec [0,0020 = 1/512,00]
Canon 0x012c300 = 1/650 sec [0,0015 = 1/663,98]
Canon 0x0140320 = 1/1000 sec [0,0010 = 1/1024,00]
Canon 0x0201258 = 1/250 sec [0,0037 = 1/267,33]
Canon 0x0401260 = 1/300 sec [0,0036 = 1/279,17]
Canon 0x0501261 = 1/300 sec [0,0035 = 1/285,28]
Canon 0x0601262 = 1/300 sec [0,0034 = 1/291,53]
Canon 0x0701263 = 1/300 sec [0,0034 = 1/297,91]
Canon 0x0801264 = 1/300 sec [0,0033 = 1/304,44]
Canon 0x0a0010 = 0,8 sec [0,81]
Canon 0x0a01266 = 1/320 sec [0,0031 = 1/317,92]
Canon 0x0b01267 = 1/320 sec [0,0031 = 1/324,88]
Canon 0x0c0012 = 0,8 sec [0,77]
Canon 0x0c01268 = 1/320 sec [0,0030 = 1/331,99]
Canon 0x0e01270 = 1/350 sec [0,0029 = 1/346,69]
Canon 0x100016 = 0,7 sec [0,71]
Canon 0x1001272 = 1/350 sec [0,0028 = 1/362,04]
Canon 0x1101273 = 1/350 sec [0,0027 = 1/369,97]
Canon 0x1201274 = 1/400 sec [0,0026 = 1/378,07]
Canon 0x1301275 = 1/400 sec [0,0026 = 1/386,35]
Canon 0x140020 = 0,6 sec [0,65]
Canon 0x1401276 = 1/400 sec [0,0025 = 1/394,81]
Canon 0x1501277 = 1/400 sec [0,0025 = 1/403,45]
Canon 0x1601278 = 1/400 sec [0,0024 = 1/412,29]
Canon 0x180024 = 0,6 sec [0,59]
Canon 0x1801280 = 1/450 sec [0,0023 = 1/430,54]
Canon 0x1901281 = 1/450 sec [0,0023 = 1/439,97]
Canon 0x1b01283 = 1/450 sec [0,0022 = 1/459,45]
Canon 0x1c01284 = 1/450 sec [0,0021 = 1/469,51]
Canon 0x1d01285 = 1/500 sec [0,0021 = 1/479,79]
Canon 0x1e01286 = 1/500 sec [0,0020 = 1/490,29]
Canon 0x1f01287 = 1/500 sec [0,0020 = 1/501,03]
Canon 0x200032 = 0,5 sec [0,50]
Canon 0x2001288 = 1/500 sec [0,0020 = 1/512,00]
Canon 0x2101289 = 1/500 sec [0,0019 = 1/523,21]
Canon 0x2201290 = 1/550 sec [0,0019 = 1/534,67]
Canon 0x2301291 = 1/550 sec [0,0018 = 1/546,38]
Canon 0x2401292 = 1/550 sec [0,0018 = 1/558,34]
Canon 0x2501293 = 1/550 sec [0,0018 = 1/570,57]
Canon 0x2601294 = 1/600 sec [0,0017 = 1/583,06]
Canon 0x2701295 = 1/600 sec [0,0017 = 1/595,83]
Canon 0x2801296 = 1/600 sec [0,0016 = 1/608,87]
Canon 0x2a0042 = 0,4 sec [0,40]
Canon 0x2a01298 = 1/640 sec [0,0016 = 1/635,83]
Canon 0x2c0044 = 0,4 sec [0,39]
Canon 0x2c01300 = 1/650 sec [0,0015 = 1/663,98]
Canon 0x2d01301 = 1/700 sec [0,0015 = 1/678,52]
Canon 0x2f01303 = 1/700 sec [0,0014 = 1/708,56]
Canon 0x3001304 = 1/700 sec [0,0014 = 1/724,08]
Canon 0x3101305 = 1/750 sec [0,0014 = 1/739,93]
Canon 0x3301307 = 1/750 sec [0,0013 = 1/772,69]
Canon 0x340052 = 0,3 sec [0,32]
Canon 0x3401308 = 1/800 sec [0,0013 = 1/789,61]
Canon 0x3501309 = 1/800 sec [0,0012 = 1/806,90]
Canon 0x360054 = 0,3 sec [0,31]
Canon 0x380056 = 0,3 sec [0,30]
Canon 0x3f01319 = 1/1000 sec [0,0010 = 1/1002,06]
Canon 0x400064 = 1/4 sec [0,2500 = 1/4,00]
Canon 0x4001320 = 1/1000 sec [0,0010 = 1/1024,00]
Canon 0x410065 = 1/4 sec [0,2446 = 1/4,09]
Canon 0x480072 = 1/5 sec [0,2102 = 1/4,76]
Canon 0x4901329 = 1/1250 sec [0,0008 = 1/1244,41]
Canon 0x4a0074 = 1/5 sec [0,2013 = 1/4,97]
Canon 0x4b0075 = 1/5 sec [0,1970 = 1/5,08]
Canon 0x4c0076 = 1/5 sec [0,1928 = 1/5,19]
Canon 0x4c01332 = 1/1300 sec [0,0008 = 1/1327,96]
Canon 0x520082 = 1/6 sec [0,1693 = 1/5,91]
Canon 0x5201338 = 1/1500 sec [0,0007 = 1/1512,27]
Canon 0x530083 = 1/6 sec [0,1657 = 1/6,04]
Canon 0x540084 = 1/6 sec [0,1621 = 1/6,17]
Canon 0x5401340 = 1/1600 sec [0,0006 = 1/1579,22]
Canon 0x5501341 = 1/1600 sec [0,0006 = 1/1613,80]
Canon 0x570087 = 1/7 sec [0,1519 = 1/6,58]
Canon 0x590089 = 1/7 sec [0,1455 = 1/6,87]
Canon 0x5f0095 = 1/8 sec [0,1277 = 1/7,83]
Canon 0x5f01351 = 1/2000 sec [0,0005 = 1/2004,12]
Canon 0x600096 = 1/8 sec [0,1250 = 1/8,00]
Canon 0x6001352 = 1/2000 sec [0,0005 = 1/2048,00]
Canon 0x60ff-160 = 30,0 sec [32,00]
Canon 0x610097 = 1/8 sec [0,1223 = 1/8,18]
Canon 0x620098 = 1/8 sec [0,1197 = 1/8,35]
Canon 0x63ff-157 = 30,0 sec [29,99]
Canon 0x6400100 = 1/9 sec [0,1146 = 1/8,72]
Canon 0x6600102 = 1/9 sec [0,1098 = 1/9,11]
Canon 0x6700103 = 1/9 sec [0,1074 = 1/9,31]
Canon 0x6901361 = 1/2500 sec [0,0004 = 1/2488,83]
Canon 0x6a00106 = 1/10 sec [0,1007 = 1/9,93]
Canon 0x6b00107 = 1/10 sec [0,0985 = 1/10,15]
Canon 0x6bff-149 = 25,0 sec [25,22]
Canon 0x6c00108 = 1/10 sec [0,0964 = 1/10,37]
Canon 0x6c01364 = 1/2600 sec [0,0004 = 1/2655,93]
Canon 0x7400116 = 1/13 sec [0,0811 = 1/12,34]
Canon 0x7401372 = 1/3200 sec [0,0003 = 1/3158,45]
Canon 0x74ff-140 = 20,0 sec [20,75]
Canon 0x7501373 = 1/3200 sec [0,0003 = 1/3227,61]
Canon 0x7600118 = 1/13 sec [0,0776 = 1/12,88]
Canon 0x76ff-138 = 20,0 sec [19,87]
Canon 0x7700119 = 1/13 sec [0,0760 = 1/13,17]
Canon 0x7800120 = 1/13 sec [0,0743 = 1/13,45]
Canon 0x7a00122 = 1/15 sec [0,0712 = 1/14,05]
Canon 0x7b00123 = 1/15 sec [0,0696 = 1/14,36]
Canon 0x7d00125 = 1/15 sec [0,0667 = 1/14,99]
Canon 0x7e00126 = 1/15 sec [0,0653 = 1/15,32]
Canon 0x7f01383 = 1/4000 sec [0,0002 = 1/4008,23]
Canon 0x8000128 = 1/15 sec [0,0625 = 1/16,00]
Canon 0x8001384 = 1/4000 sec [0,0002 = 1/4096,00]
Canon 0x80ff-128 = 15,0 sec [16,00]
Canon 0x8100129 = 1/15 sec [0,0612 = 1/16,35]
Canon 0x8200130 = 1/15 sec [0,0599 = 1/16,71]
Canon 0x83ff-125 = 15,0 sec [14,99]
Canon 0x8700135 = 1/20 sec [0,0537 = 1/18,62]
Canon 0x8900137 = 1/20 sec [0,0514 = 1/19,44]
Canon 0x8a00138 = 1/20 sec [0,0503 = 1/19,87]
Canon 0x8aff-118 = 13,0 sec [12,88]
Canon 0x8c00140 = 1/20 sec [0,0482 = 1/20,75]
Canon 0x8c01396 = 1/5400 sec [0,0002 = 1/5311,85]
Canon 0x9000144 = 1/25 sec [0,0442 = 1/22,63]
Canon 0x9201402 = 1/6000 sec [0,0002 = 1/6049,08]
Canon 0x9400148 = 1/25 sec [0,0405 = 1/24,68]
Canon 0x9401404 = 1/6400 sec [0,0002 = 1/6316,90]
Canon 0x94ff-108 = 10,0 sec [10,37]
Canon 0x9500149 = 1/25 sec [0,0397 = 1/25,22]
Canon 0x96ff-106 = 10,0 sec [9,93]
Canon 0x9700151 = 1/25 sec [0,0380 = 1/26,33]
Canon 0x9a00154 = 1/30 sec [0,0356 = 1/28,10]
Canon 0x9d00157 = 1/30 sec [0,0333 = 1/29,99]
Canon 0x9f01415 = 1/8000 sec [0,0001 = 1/8016,46]
Canon 0xa000160 = 1/30 sec [0,0313 = 1/32,00]
Canon 0xa001416 = 1/8000 sec [0,0001 = 1/8192,00]
Canon 0xa0ff-96 = 8,0 sec [8,00]
Canon 0xa300163 = 1/35 sec [0,0293 = 1/34,15]
Canon 0xaa00170 = 1/40 sec [0,0252 = 1/39,74]
Canon 0xab00171 = 1/40 sec [0,0246 = 1/40,61]
Canon 0xac00172 = 1/40 sec [0,0241 = 1/41,50]
Canon 0xadff-83 = 6,0 sec [6,04]
Canon 0xaf00175 = 1/45 sec [0,0226 = 1/44,29]
Canon 0xb300179 = 1/50 sec [0,0207 = 1/48,29]
Canon 0xb400180 = 1/50 sec [0,0203 = 1/49,35]
Canon 0xb4ff-76 = 5,0 sec [5,19]
Canon 0xb500181 = 1/50 sec [0,0198 = 1/50,43]
Canon 0xb600182 = 1/50 sec [0,0194 = 1/51,54]
Canon 0xb6ff-74 = 5,0 sec [4,97]
Canon 0xb800184 = 1/50 sec [0,0186 = 1/53,82]
Canon 0xbc00188 = 1/60 sec [0,0170 = 1/58,69]
Canon 0xbd00189 = 1/60 sec [0,0167 = 1/59,97]
Canon 0xc000192 = 1/60 sec [0,0156 = 1/64,00]
Canon 0xc0ff-64 = 4,0 sec [4,00]
Canon 0xc100193 = 1/70 sec [0,0153 = 1/65,40]
Canon 0xc400196 = 1/70 sec [0,0143 = 1/69,79]
Canon 0xc600198 = 1/70 sec [0,0137 = 1/72,88]
Canon 0xc800200 = 1/80 sec [0,0131 = 1/76,11]
Canon 0xc900201 = 1/80 sec [0,0129 = 1/77,78]
Canon 0xca00202 = 1/80 sec [0,0126 = 1/79,48]
Canon 0xcaff-54 = 3,2 sec [3,22]
Canon 0xcb00203 = 1/80 sec [0,0123 = 1/81,22]
Canon 0xcc00204 = 1/80 sec [0,0120 = 1/83,00]
Canon 0xcd00205 = 1/80 sec [0,0118 = 1/84,82]
Canon 0xcdff-51 = 3,0 sec [3,02]
Canon 0xd000208 = 1/90 sec [0,0110 = 1/90,51]
Canon 0xd200210 = 1/90 sec [0,0106 = 1/94,52]
Canon 0xd400212 = 1/100 sec [0,0101 = 1/98,70]
Canon 0xd4ff-44 = 2,6 sec [2,59]
Canon 0xd500213 = 1/100 sec [0,0099 = 1/100,86]
Canon 0xd6ff-42 = 2,5 sec [2,48]
Canon 0xd700215 = 1/110 sec [0,0095 = 1/105,33]
Canon 0xd800216 = 1/110 sec [0,0093 = 1/107,63]
Canon 0xdc00220 = 1/120 sec [0,0085 = 1/117,38]
Canon 0xdd00221 = 1/120 sec [0,0083 = 1/119,95]
Canon 0xde00222 = 1/125 sec [0,0082 = 1/122,57]
Canon 0xdf00223 = 1/125 sec [0,0080 = 1/125,26]
Canon 0xe000224 = 1/125 sec [0,0078 = 1/128,00]
Canon 0xe0ff-32 = 2,0 sec [2,00]
Canon 0xe200226 = 1/130 sec [0,0075 = 1/133,67]
Canon 0xe300227 = 1/140 sec [0,0073 = 1/136,59]
Canon 0xe500229 = 1/140 sec [0,0070 = 1/142,64]
Canon 0xe600230 = 1/150 sec [0,0069 = 1/145,76]
Canon 0xe700231 = 1/150 sec [0,0067 = 1/148,96]
Canon 0xe800232 = 1/150 sec [0,0066 = 1/152,22]
Canon 0xe900233 = 1/160 sec [0,0064 = 1/155,55]
Canon 0xea00234 = 1/160 sec [0,0063 = 1/158,96]
Canon 0xeaff-22 = 1,6 sec [1,61]
Canon 0xec00236 = 1/170 sec [0,0060 = 1/166,00]
Canon 0xecff-20 = 1,5 sec [1,54]
Canon 0xedff-19 = 1,5 sec [1,51]
Canon 0xf000240 = 1/180 sec [0,0055 = 1/181,02]
Canon 0xf200242 = 1/190 sec [0,0053 = 1/189,03]
Canon 0xf300243 = 1/190 sec [0,0052 = 1/193,17]
Canon 0xf400244 = 1/200 sec [0,0051 = 1/197,40]
Canon 0xf4ff-12 = 1,3 sec [1,30]
Canon 0xf500245 = 1/200 sec [0,0050 = 1/201,73]
Canon 0xf600246 = 1/200 sec [0,0049 = 1/206,14]
Canon 0xf700247 = 1/200 sec [0,0047 = 1/210,66]
Canon 0xf800248 = 1/200 sec [0,0046 = 1/215,27]
Canon 0xfc00252 = 1/250 sec [0,0043 = 1/234,75]
Canon 0xfe00254 = 1/250 sec [0,0041 = 1/245,15]
Canon 0xff00255 = 1/250 sec [0,0040 = 1/250,51]
Canon 0xff60-160 = 30,0 sec [32,00]
Canon 0xff74-140 = 20,0 sec [20,75]
Canon 0xff8c-116 = 12,0 sec [12,34]
Canon 0xffcc-52 = 3,1 sec [3,08]
Canon 0xffec-20 = 1,5 sec [1,54]
Canon 0xffff-1 = 1,0 sec [1,02]
6 2 bytes uShort16 Exposure Compensation
  Formula is " value / 32 "
Range from -64 upto 64
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0 = +0 EV
Canon 0x000c12 = + 1/3 EV
Canon 0x001420 = + 2/3 EV
Canon 0x0020 32 = +1 EV
Canon 0x0040 64 = +2 EV
Canon 0x0a0010 = + 1/3 EV
Canon 0x0c0012 = + 1/3 EV
Canon 0x100016 = + 1/2 EV
Canon 0x140020 = + 2/3 EV
Canon 0x150021 = + 2/3 EV
Canon 0x2000 32 = +1 EV
Canon 0x2c0044 = +1 1/3 EV
Canon 0x340052 = +1 2/3 EV
Canon 0x4000 64 = +2 EV
Canon 0xc0ff -64 = -2 EV
Canon 0xccff-52 = -1 2/3 EV
Canon 0xd4ff-44 = -1 1/3 EV
Canon 0xd5ff-43 = -1 1/3 EV
Canon 0xd8ff-40 = -1 1/4 EV
Canon 0xe0ff -32 = -1 EV
Canon 0xebff-21 = - 2/3 EV
Canon 0xecff-20 = - 2/3 EV
Canon 0xf0ff-16 = - 1/2 EV
Canon 0xf4ff-12 = - 1/3 EV
Canon 0xf8ff-8 = - 1/4 EV
7 2 bytes uShort16 White Balance
For Canon-type-1 see found values
0x0000 0x.... Auto
0x0001 0x.... Daylight
0x0002 0x.... Cloudy
0x0003 0x.... Tungsten
0x0004 0x.... Fluorescent
0x0005 0x.... Flash
0x0006 0x.... Custom
0x0007 0x....Black & White
0x0008 0x.... Shade
0x0009 0x....Manual temperature
0x000a 0x.... PC Set 1
0x000b 0x.... PC Set 2
0x000c 0x.... PC Set 3
0x000e 0x....Daylight Fluorescent
0x000f 0x.... Custom 1
0x0010 0x.... Custom 2
0x0011 0x.... Underwater
0x0012 0x.... Custom 3
0x0013 0x.... Custom 4
0x0014 0x.... PC Set 4
0x0015 0x.... PC Set 5
0x8000 0x.... Custom, Auto
0x8001 0x....Custom, Daylight
0x8002 0x....Custom, Cloudy
0x8003 0x....Custom, Tungsten
0x8004 0x....Custom, Fluorescent
0x8005 0x....Custom, Flash
0x8006 0x....Custom, Custom
0x8007 0x....Custom, Black & White
0x8008 0x....Custom, Shade
0x8009 0x....Custom, Manual temperature
0x800a 0x....Custom, PC Set 1
0x800b 0x....Custom, PC Set 2
0x800c 0x....Custom, PC Set 3
0x800e 0x....Custom, Daylight Fluorescent
0x800f 0x....Custom, Custom 1
0x8010 0x....Custom, Custom 2
0x8011 0x....Custom, Underwater
0x8012 0x....Custom, Custom 3
0x8013 0x....Custom, Custom 4
0x8014 0x....Custom, PC Set 4
0x8015 0x....Custom, PC Set 5
0xffff 0x.... n/a
Canon 0x0000 0 = Auto
Canon 0x0001 1 = Daylight
Canon 0x0006 6 = Custom
Canon 0x0008 8 = Shade
Canon 0x0100 1 = Daylight
Canon 0x0200 2 = Cloudy
Canon 0x0300 3 = Tungsten
Canon 0x04004 = Fluorescent
Canon 0x0500 5 = Flash
Canon 0x0600 6 = Custom
Canon 0x07007 = Black & White
Canon 0x0800 8 = Shade
Canon 0x09009 = Manual temperature
Canon 0x0e0014 = Daylight Fluorescent
Canon 0x0f0015 = Custom 1
Canon 0x100016 = Custom 2
Canon 0x110017 = Underwater
Canon 0xffff -1 = n/a
8 2 bytes uShort16 Slow Shutter
For Canon-type-1 see found values
0 0x0000 Off
1 0x0001 Night Scene
2 0x0002 On
3 0x0003 None
-1 0xffff n/a
Canon 0x0000 0 = Off
Canon 0x0003 3 = None
Canon 0x01001 = Night Scene
Canon 0x0200 2 = On
Canon 0x0300 3 = None
Canon 0xffff -1 = n/a
9 2 bytes uShort16 Sequence Number
  Shot number in continuous burst
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0
Canon 0x0100 1
Canon 0x0200 2
Canon 0x0300 3
Canon 0x0400 4
Canon 0x0500 5
Canon 0x0600 6
Canon 0x0700 7
Canon 0x0800 8
Canon 0x0900 9
Canon 0x0a00 10
Canon 0x0b00 11
Canon 0x0c00 12
Canon 0x1000 16
Canon 0x1100 17
Canon 0x1200 18
Canon 0x1300 19
Canon 0x1400 20
Canon 0x1500 21
Canon 0x1800 24
Canon 0x1a00 26
Canon 0x1b00 27
Canon 0x1c00 28
Canon 0x1d00 29
Canon 0x2100 33
Canon 0x2200 34
Canon 0x3600 54
Canon 0x3801 312
10 2 bytes uShort16 Optical Zoom Code
  Typically values from 0 upto 8, but some camera's go upto 128
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0
Canon 0x0008 8
Canon 0x0100 1
Canon 0x0200 2
Canon 0x0300 3
Canon 0x0400 4
Canon 0x0500 5
Canon 0x0600 6
Canon 0x0700 7
Canon 0x0800 8
Canon 0x0900 9
Canon 0x0a00 10
Canon 0x0b00 11
Canon 0x0c00 12
Canon 0x0d00 13
Canon 0x0e00 14
Canon 0x0f00 15
Canon 0x1000 16
Canon 0x1100 17
Canon 0x1200 18
Canon 0x1300 19
Canon 0x1400 20
Canon 0x1500 21
Canon 0x1600 22
Canon 0x1700 23
Canon 0x1800 24
Canon 0x1900 25
Canon 0x1a00 26
Canon 0x1b00 27
Canon 0x1c00 28
Canon 0x1d00 29
Canon 0x1e00 30
Canon 0x1f00 31
Canon 0x2000 32
Canon 0x2100 33
Canon 0x2200 34
Canon 0x2300 35
Canon 0x2400 36
Canon 0x2500 37
Canon 0x2600 38
Canon 0x2700 39
Canon 0x2800 40
Canon 0x2900 41
Canon 0x2a00 42
Canon 0x2b00 43
Canon 0x2c00 44
Canon 0x2d00 45
Canon 0x2e00 46
Canon 0x2f00 47
Canon 0x3000 48
Canon 0x3100 49
Canon 0x3200 50
Canon 0x3300 51
Canon 0x3400 52
Canon 0x3500 53
Canon 0x3600 54
Canon 0x3700 55
Canon 0x3800 56
Canon 0x3900 57
Canon 0x3a00 58
Canon 0x3b00 59
Canon 0x3c00 60
Canon 0x3d00 61
Canon 0x3e00 62
Canon 0x3f00 63
Canon 0x4000 64
Canon 0x4100 65
Canon 0x4200 66
Canon 0x4300 67
Canon 0x4400 68
Canon 0x4600 70
Canon 0x4700 71
Canon 0x4900 73
Canon 0x4a00 74
Canon 0x4b00 75
Canon 0x4c00 76
Canon 0x4d00 77
Canon 0x4e00 78
Canon 0x5300 83
Canon 0x5400 84
Canon 0x5500 85
Canon 0x5700 87
Canon 0x5900 89
Canon 0x5a00 90
Canon 0x5b00 91
Canon 0x5c00 92
Canon 0x5d00 93
Canon 0x5e00 94
Canon 0x6000 96
Canon 0x6400 100
Canon 0x6500 101
Canon 0x6700 103
Canon 0x6800 104
Canon 0x6900 105
Canon 0x6b00 107
Canon 0x6c00 108
Canon 0x6d00 109
Canon 0x6f00 111
Canon 0x7000 112
Canon 0x7100 113
Canon 0x7200 114
Canon 0x7300 115
Canon 0x7500 117
Canon 0x7600 118
Canon 0x7700 119
Canon 0x7800 120
Canon 0x7900 121
Canon 0x7d00 125
Canon 0x7f00 127
Canon 0x8000 128
Canon 0xa400 164
Canon 0xc800 200
11 2 bytes uShort16 Optical Zoom Step
  8 was caused by rotating with Zoombrowser (was 0)
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0
Canon 0x0008 8
Canon 0x0100 1
Canon 0x0200 2
Canon 0x0300 3
Canon 0x0400 4
Canon 0x0500 5
Canon 0x0800 8
Canon 0x2800 40
12 2 bytes uShort16 Canon-0x0004-0x000c
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0
Canon 0x0001 256
Canon 0x0003 768
Canon 0x0006 6
Canon 0x0009 9
Canon 0x0036 54
Canon 0x0075 117
Canon 0x0400 4
Canon 0x040c 3076
Canon 0x0900 9
Canon 0x1700 23
Canon 0x1800 24
Canon 0x1900 25
Canon 0x1901 281
Canon 0x1a01 282
Canon 0x1b00 27
Canon 0x1c00 28
Canon 0x1d00 29
Canon 0x1e00 30
Canon 0x1f00 31
Canon 0x2000 32
Canon 0x2100 33
Canon 0x2200 34
Canon 0x2300 35
Canon 0x2400 36
Canon 0x2500 37
Canon 0x2600 38
Canon 0x2608 2086
Canon 0x2700 39
Canon 0x2800 40
Canon 0x2900 41
Canon 0x2a00 42
Canon 0x2b00 43
Canon 0x2c00 44
Canon 0x2d00 45
Canon 0x2e00 46
Canon 0x2f00 47
Canon 0x3000 48
Canon 0x3200 50
Canon 0x3700 55
Canon 0x3f00 63
Canon 0x6100 97
Canon 0x6200 98
Canon 0x6300 99
Canon 0x6400 100
Canon 0x6500 101
Canon 0x65ad -21147
Canon 0x6600 102
Canon 0x6800 104
Canon 0x6a00 106
Canon 0x6b00 107
Canon 0x6d00 109
Canon 0x6eff 28415
Canon 0x6f00 111
Canon 0x7000 112
Canon 0x7600 118
Canon 0x7a00 122
Canon 0x8600 134
Canon 0x8800 136
Canon 0x8900 137
Canon 0x8a00 138
Canon 0x8b00 139
Canon 0x8c00 140
Canon 0x8d00 141
Canon 0x8e00 142
Canon 0x8f00 143
Canon 0x9000 144
Canon 0x9100 145
Canon 0x9200 146
Canon 0x9300 147
Canon 0x9400 148
Canon 0x9500 149
Canon 0x9600 150
Canon 0x9700 151
Canon 0x9800 152
Canon 0x9900 153
Canon 0x9a00 154
Canon 0x9b00 155
Canon 0x9c00 156
Canon 0x9d00 157
Canon 0x9dfd -25091
Canon 0x9e00 158
Canon 0x9f00 159
Canon 0xa000 160
Canon 0xa100 161
Canon 0xa200 162
Canon 0xa300 163
Canon 0xa400 164
Canon 0xa500 165
Canon 0xa600 166
Canon 0xa700 167
Canon 0xa800 168
Canon 0xa900 169
Canon 0xaa00 170
Canon 0xaa55 -21931
Canon 0xab00 171
Canon 0xac00 172
Canon 0xad00 173
Canon 0xae00 174
Canon 0xaecf -20785
Canon 0xaf00 175
Canon 0xb000 176
Canon 0xb200 178
Canon 0xbdfd -16899
Canon 0xdb4d -9395
Canon 0xe5ad -21019
Canon 0xea75 -5515
Canon 0xf600 246
Canon 0xfeff -257
13 2 bytes uShort16 Flash Guide Number
  Values from 0 upto 314, and -1
Formula is " value / 32 "
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0 = 0,00
Canon 0x0001 256 = 8,00
Canon 0x0101 257 = 8,03
Canon 0x0201 258 = 8,06
Canon 0x0301 259 = 8,09
Canon 0x0500 5 = 0,16
Canon 0x0501 261 = 8,16
Canon 0x0700 7 = 0,22
Canon : :
Canon 0xfb00 251 = 7,84
Canon 0xfc00 252 = 7,88
Canon 0xfd00 253 = 7,91
Canon 0xfe00 254 = 7,94
Canon 0xff00 255 = 7,97
Canon 0xffff -1 = n/a
14 2 bytes uShort16 Focused AF Area (AiAF)
For Canon-type-1 see found values
0x0000 0x.... n/a
0x3000 0x.... None (MF)
0x3001 0x.... Right
0x3002 0x.... Center
0x3003 0x.... Center+Right
0x3004 0x.... Left
0x3005 0x.... Left+Right
0x3006 0x.... Left+Center
0x3007 0x....All (Left+Center+Right)
Canon 0x0000 0 = n/a
Canon 0x003012288 = None (MF)
Canon 0x013012289 = Right
Canon 0x023012290 = Center
Canon 0x033012291 = Center+Right
Canon 0x0430 12292 = Left
Canon 0x053012293 = Left+Right
Canon 0x063012294 = Left+Center
Canon 0x073012295 = All (Left+Center+Right)
15 2 bytes sShort16 Flash Exposure Compensation
  Values from -64 upto 64
Formula is " value / 32 "
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0 = +0 EV
Canon 0x0a0010 = + 1/3 EV
Canon 0x0c0012 = + 1/3 EV
Canon 0x140020 = + 2/3 EV
Canon 0x150021 = + 2/3 EV
Canon 0x2000 32 = +1 EV
Canon 0x2a0042 = +1 1/3 EV
Canon 0x340052 = +1 2/3 EV
Canon 0x350053 = +1 2/3 EV
Canon 0x4000 64 = +2 EV
Canon 0xc0ff -64 = -2 EV
Canon 0xcbff-53 = -1 2/3 EV
Canon 0xccff-52 = -1 2/3 EV
Canon 0xd6ff-42 = -1 1/3 EV
Canon 0xe0ff -32 = -1 EV
Canon 0xebff-21 = - 2/3 EV
Canon 0xecff-20 = - 2/3 EV
Canon 0xf4ff-12 = - 1/3 EV
Canon 0xf6ff-10 = - 1/3 EV
16 2 bytes uShort16 Auto Exposure Bracketing
For Canon-type-1 see found values
-1 0xffff On (shot 1)
0 0x0000 Off
1 0x0001 On (shot 1)
2 0x0002 On (shot 2)
3 0x0003 On (shot 3)
65535 0xffff On
Canon 0x0000 0=Off
Canon 0x01001=On (shot 1)
Canon 0x03003=On (shot 3)
Canon 0xffff -1= -1 ???
17 2 bytes uShort16 AEB Bracket Value
  Values from -64 upto 64
Formula is " value / 32 "
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0 = +0 EV
Canon 0x0800 8 = + 1/4 EV
Canon 0x0c0012 = + 1/3 EV
Canon 0x100016 = + 1/2 EV
Canon 0x140020 = + 2/3 EV
Canon 0x2000 32 = +1 EV
Canon 0x2c0044 = +1 1/3 EV
Canon 0x340052 = +1 2/3 EV
Canon 0x4000 64 = +2 EV
Canon 0xc0ff -64 = -2 EV
Canon 0xccff-52 = -1 2/3 EV
Canon 0xd4ff-44 = -1 1/3 EV
Canon 0xe0ff -32 = -1 EV
Canon 0xecff-20 = - 2/3 EV
Canon 0xf0ff-16 = - 1/2 EV
Canon 0xf4ff-12 = - 1/3 EV
Canon 0xf8ff-8 = - 1/4 EV
18 2 bytes uShort16 Control Mode
For Canon-type-1 see found values
0 0x0000 n/a
1 0x0001Camera Local Control
2 0x0002Sometimes 0x0002
3 0x0003Computer Remote Control
4 0x0004Sometimes 0x0004
Canon 0x0000 0 = n/a
Canon 0x00011 = Camera Local Control
Canon 0x01001 = Camera Local Control
Canon 0x02002 = Sometimes 0x0002
Canon 0x03003 = Computer Remote Control
Canon 0x04004 = Sometimes 0x0004
19 2 bytes uShort16 Focus Distance Upper
  Values from 0 to 62000, and 65535 (-1)
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0 = 0 cm
Canon 0x0001 256 = 256 cm
Canon 0x0002 512 = 512 cm
Canon 0x0003 768 = 768 cm
Canon 0x00041024 = 1024 cm
Canon : :
Canon 0xfe092558 = 2558 cm
Canon 0xff00 255 = 255 cm
Canon 0xff01 511 = 511 cm
Canon 0xff02 767 = 767 cm
Canon 0xff031023 = 1023 cm
Canon 0xff0b3071 = 3071 cm
Canon 0xff1f8191 = 8191 cm
Canon 0xffff65535 = 65535 cm
20 2 bytes uShort16 Focus Distance Lower
  Values from 0 to 13623, and 65535 (-1)
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0 = 0 cm
Canon 0x0002 512 = 512 cm
Canon 0x0801 264 = 264 cm
Canon 0x0802 520 = 520 cm
Canon 0x1301 275 = 275 cm
Canon 0x18092328 = 2328 cm
Canon 0x1a00 26 = 26 cm
Canon : :
Canon 0xe80d3560 = 3560 cm
Canon 0xec031004 = 1004 cm
Canon 0xee01 494 = 494 cm
Canon 0xee082286 = 2286 cm
Canon 0xf401 500 = 500 cm
Canon 0xff1f8191 = 8191 cm
Canon 0xffff -1 = -1 cm
21 2 bytes uShort16 F Number
  Values from 0 to 332, and 32767
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0 = F1,0
Canon 0x0001 256 = F16,0
Canon 0x0060 96 = F2,8
Canon : :
Canon 0xf700 247 = F14,5
Canon 0xf800 248 = F14,7
Canon 0xfc00 252 = F15,3
Canon 0xff7f 32767 = n/a
22 2 bytes uShort16 Exposure Time1
  Only for:
- Canon EOS 20D
- Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL
- Canon EOS Kiss Digital N
Formula is "32/exp((Value/32)*log(2))"
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Range = -32768,-200->999
Canon 0x00000 = 1,0 sec [1,00]
Canon 0x0000 0 = 30 sec
Canon 0x01001 = 1,0 sec [0,98]
Canon 0x02002 = 1,0 sec [0,96]
Canon 0x03003 = 0,9 sec [0,94]
Canon 0x04004 = 0,9 sec [0,92]
Canon 0x0400 4 = 30 sec
Canon 0x05005 = 0,9 sec [0,90]
Canon 0x06006 = 0,9 sec [0,88]
Canon 0x07007 = 0,9 sec [0,86]
Canon 0x08008 = 0,8 sec [0,84]
Canon 0x0800 8 = 30 sec
Canon 0x09009 = 0,8 sec [0,82]
Canon 0xfcff-4 = 1,1 sec [1,09]
Canon 0xf8ff-8 = 1,2 sec [1,19]
Canon 0x0a0010 = 0,8 sec [0,81]
Canon 0x0b0011 = 0,8 sec [0,79]
Canon 0x0c0012 = 0,8 sec [0,77]
Canon 0x0d0013 = 0,8 sec [0,75]
Canon 0x0e0014 = 0,7 sec [0,74]
Canon 0x0f0015 = 0,7 sec [0,72]
Canon 0x001016 = 0,7 sec [0,71]
Canon 0x100016 = 0,7 sec [0,71]
Canon 0x110017 = 0,7 sec [0,69]
Canon 0x120018 = 0,7 sec [0,68]
Canon 0x130019 = 0,7 sec [0,66]
Canon 0x140020 = 0,6 sec [0,65]
Canon 0x150021 = 0,6 sec [0,63]
Canon 0x160022 = 0,6 sec [0,62]
Canon 0x170023 = 0,6 sec [0,61]
Canon 0x180024 = 0,6 sec [0,59]
Canon 0x190025 = 0,6 sec [0,58]
Canon 0x1a0026 = 0,6 sec [0,57]
Canon 0x1b0027 = 0,6 sec [0,56]
Canon 0x1c0028 = 0,6 sec [0,55]
Canon 0x1d0029 = 0,5 sec [0,53]
Canon 0x1e0030 = 0,5 sec [0,52]
Canon 0x1f0031 = 0,5 sec [0,51]
Canon 0x200032 = 0,5 sec [0,50]
Canon 0x210033 = 0,5 sec [0,49]
Canon 0x220034 = 0,5 sec [0,48]
Canon 0x230035 = 0,5 sec [0,47]
Canon 0x240036 = 0,5 sec [0,46]
Canon 0x250037 = 0,4 sec [0,45]
Canon 0x260038 = 0,4 sec [0,44]
Canon 0x270039 = 0,4 sec [0,43]
Canon 0x280040 = 0,4 sec [0,42]
Canon 0x290041 = 0,4 sec [0,41]
Canon 0x2a0042 = 0,4 sec [0,40]
Canon 0x2b0043 = 0,4 sec [0,39]
Canon 0x2c0044 = 0,4 sec [0,39]
Canon 0x2d0045 = 0,4 sec [0,38]
Canon 0x2e0046 = 0,4 sec [0,37]
Canon 0x2f0047 = 0,4 sec [0,36]
Canon 0x003048 = 0,4 sec [0,35]
Canon 0x300048 = 0,4 sec [0,35]
Canon 0x310049 = 0,4 sec [0,35]
Canon 0x320050 = 0,3 sec [0,34]
Canon 0x330051 = 0,3 sec [0,33]
Canon 0x340052 = 0,3 sec [0,32]
Canon 0x350053 = 0,3 sec [0,32]
Canon 0x360054 = 0,3 sec [0,31]
Canon 0x370055 = 0,3 sec [0,30]
Canon 0x380056 = 0,3 sec [0,30]
Canon 0x390057 = 0,3 sec [0,29]
Canon 0x3a0058 = 1/4 sec [0,2847 = 1/3,51]
Canon 0x3b0059 = 1/4 sec [0,2786 = 1/3,59]
Canon 0x3c0060 = 1/4 sec [0,2726 = 1/3,67]
Canon 0x3c0060 = 8,5 sec [8,52]
Canon 0x3d0061 = 1/4 sec [0,2668 = 1/3,75]
Canon 0x3e0062 = 1/4 sec [0,2611 = 1/3,83]
Canon 0x3f0063 = 1/4 sec [0,2555 = 1/3,91]
Canon 0x400064 = 1/4 sec [0,2500 = 1/4,00]
Canon 0x410065 = 1/4 sec [0,2446 = 1/4,09]
Canon 0x420066 = 1/4 sec [0,2394 = 1/4,18]
Canon 0x430067 = 1/4 sec [0,2343 = 1/4,27]
Canon 0x440068 = 1/4 sec [0,2293 = 1/4,36]
Canon 0x440068 = 7,2 sec [7,16]
Canon 0x450069 = 1/4 sec [0,2243 = 1/4,46]
Canon 0x460070 = 1/5 sec [0,2195 = 1/4,56]
Canon 0x470071 = 1/5 sec [0,2148 = 1/4,65]
Canon 0x004872 = 1/5 sec [0,2102 = 1/4,76]
Canon 0x480072 = 1/5 sec [0,2102 = 1/4,76]
Canon 0x490073 = 1/5 sec [0,2057 = 1/4,86]
Canon 0x4a0074 = 1/5 sec [0,2013 = 1/4,97]
Canon 0x4b0075 = 1/5 sec [0,1970 = 1/5,08]
Canon 0x4c0076 = 1/5 sec [0,1928 = 1/5,19]
Canon 0x4d0077 = 1/5 sec [0,1886 = 1/5,30]
Canon 0x4e0078 = 1/5 sec [0,1846 = 1/5,42]
Canon 0x4f0079 = 1/6 sec [0,1806 = 1/5,54]
Canon 0x500080 = 1/6 sec [0,1768 = 1/5,66]
Canon 0x510081 = 1/6 sec [0,1730 = 1/5,78]
Canon 0x520082 = 1/6 sec [0,1693 = 1/5,91]
Canon 0x530083 = 1/6 sec [0,1657 = 1/6,04]
Canon 0x540084 = 1/6 sec [0,1621 = 1/6,17]
Canon 0x540084 = 5,1 sec [5,07]
Canon 0x550085 = 1/6 sec [0,1586 = 1/6,30]
Canon 0x560086 = 1/6 sec [0,1552 = 1/6,44]
Canon 0x570087 = 1/7 sec [0,1519 = 1/6,58]
Canon 0x580088 = 1/7 sec [0,1487 = 1/6,73]
Canon 0x590089 = 1/7 sec [0,1455 = 1/6,87]
Canon 0x5a0090 = 1/7 sec [0,1423 = 1/7,03]
Canon 0x5b0091 = 1/7 sec [0,1393 = 1/7,18]
Canon 0x5c0092 = 1/7 sec [0,1363 = 1/7,34]
Canon 0x5d0093 = 1/7 sec [0,1334 = 1/7,50]
Canon 0x5e0094 = 1/8 sec [0,1305 = 1/7,66]
Canon 0x5f0095 = 1/8 sec [0,1277 = 1/7,83]
Canon 0x600096 = 1/8 sec [0,1250 = 1/8,00]
Canon 0x600096 = 3,9 sec [3,91]
Canon 0x610097 = 1/8 sec [0,1223 = 1/8,18]
Canon 0x620098 = 1/8 sec [0,1197 = 1/8,35]
Canon 0x630099 = 1/9 sec [0,1171 = 1/8,54]
Canon 0xf6ff-10 = 1,2 sec [1,24]
Canon 0xf4ff-12 = 1,3 sec [1,30]
Canon 0xf0ff-16 = 1,4 sec [1,41]
Canon 0xfff0-16 = 1,4 sec [1,41]
Canon 0xecff-20 = 1,5 sec [1,54]
Canon 0xebff-21 = 1,6 sec [1,58]
Canon 0xeaff-22 = 1,6 sec [1,61]
Canon 0xe8ff-24 = 1,7 sec [1,68]
Canon 0xe4ff-28 = 1,8 sec [1,83]
Canon 0xe0ff-32 = 2,0 sec [2,00]
Canon 0xdcff-36 = 2,2 sec [2,18]
Canon 0xd8ff-40 = 2,4 sec [2,38]
Canon 0xd6ff-42 = 2,5 sec [2,48]
Canon 0xd4ff-44 = 2,6 sec [2,59]
Canon 0xd0ff-48 = 2,8 sec [2,83]
Canon 0xccff-52 = 3,1 sec [3,08]
Canon 0xcbff-53 = 3,2 sec [3,15]
Canon 0xcaff-54 = 3,2 sec [3,22]
Canon 0xffc8-56 = 3,4 sec [3,36]
Canon 0xc4ff-60 = 3,7 sec [3,67]
Canon 0xc0ff-64 = 4,0 sec [4,00]
Canon 0xbcff-68 = 4,0 sec [4,36]
Canon 0xb6ff-74 = 5,0 sec [4,97]
Canon 0xb4ff-76 = 5,0 sec [5,19]
Canon 0xb0ff-80 = 6,0 sec [5,66]
Canon 0xadff-83 = 6,0 sec [6,04]
Canon 0xacff-84 = 6,0 sec [6,17]
Canon 0xabff-85 = 6,0 sec [6,30]
Canon 0xa8ff-88 = 7,0 sec [6,73]
Canon 0xa4ff-92 = 7,0 sec [7,34]
Canon 0xa0ff-96 = 8,0 sec [8,00]
Canon 0x6400100 = 1/9 sec [0,1146 = 1/8,72]
Canon 0x6400100 = 3,6 sec [3,58]
Canon 0x6500101 = 1/9 sec [0,1122 = 1/8,92]
Canon 0x6600102 = 1/9 sec [0,1098 = 1/9,11]
Canon 0x6700103 = 1/9 sec [0,1074 = 1/9,31]
Canon 0x6800104 = 1/10 sec [0,1051 = 1/9,51]
Canon 0x6900105 = 1/10 sec [0,1029 = 1/9,72]
Canon 0x6a00106 = 1/10 sec [0,1007 = 1/9,93]
Canon 0x6b00107 = 1/10 sec [0,0985 = 1/10,15]
Canon 0x6c00108 = 1/10 sec [0,0964 = 1/10,37]
Canon 0x6d00109 = 1/11 sec [0,0943 = 1/10,60]
Canon 0x6e00110 = 1/11 sec [0,0923 = 1/10,83]
Canon 0x6f00111 = 1/11 sec [0,0903 = 1/11,07]
Canon 0x7000112 = 1/11 sec [0,0884 = 1/11,31]
Canon 0x7100113 = 1/13 sec [0,0865 = 1/11,56]
Canon 0x7200114 = 1/13 sec [0,0846 = 1/11,81]
Canon 0x7300115 = 1/13 sec [0,0828 = 1/12,07]
Canon 0x7400116 = 1/13 sec [0,0811 = 1/12,34]
Canon 0x7500117 = 1/13 sec [0,0793 = 1/12,61]
Canon 0x7600118 = 1/13 sec [0,0776 = 1/12,88]
Canon 0x7700119 = 1/13 sec [0,0760 = 1/13,17]
Canon 0x7800120 = 1/13 sec [0,0743 = 1/13,45]
Canon 0x7900121 = 1/15 sec [0,0727 = 1/13,75]
Canon 0x7a00122 = 1/15 sec [0,0712 = 1/14,05]
Canon 0x7b00123 = 1/15 sec [0,0696 = 1/14,36]
Canon 0x7c00124 = 1/15 sec [0,0682 = 1/14,67]
Canon 0x7d00125 = 1/15 sec [0,0667 = 1/14,99]
Canon 0x7e00126 = 1/15 sec [0,0653 = 1/15,32]
Canon 0x7f00127 = 1/15 sec [0,0639 = 1/15,66]
Canon 0x8000128 = 1,95 sec [1,95]
Canon 0x8000128 = 1/15 sec [0,0625 = 1/16,00]
Canon 0x8100129 = 1/15 sec [0,0612 = 1/16,35]
Canon 0x8200130 = 1/15 sec [0,0599 = 1/16,71]
Canon 0x8300131 = 1/15 sec [0,0586 = 1/17,07]
Canon 0x8400132 = 1,80 sec [1,79]
Canon 0x8400132 = 1/15 sec [0,0573 = 1/17,45]
Canon 0x8500133 = 1/20 sec [0,0561 = 1/17,83]
Canon 0x8600134 = 1/20 sec [0,0549 = 1/18,22]
Canon 0x8700135 = 1/20 sec [0,0537 = 1/18,62]
Canon 0x8800136 = 1/20 sec [0,0526 = 1/19,03]
Canon 0x8900137 = 1/20 sec [0,0514 = 1/19,44]
Canon 0x8a00138 = 1/20 sec [0,0503 = 1/19,87]
Canon 0x8b00139 = 1/20 sec [0,0492 = 1/20,30]
Canon 0x8c00140 = 1/20 sec [0,0482 = 1/20,75]
Canon 0x8d00141 = 1/20 sec [0,0472 = 1/21,20]
Canon 0x8e00142 = 1/20 sec [0,0462 = 1/21,67]
Canon 0x8f00143 = 1/20 sec [0,0452 = 1/22,14]
Canon 0x9000144 = 1/25 sec [0,0442 = 1/22,63]
Canon 0x9100145 = 1/25 sec [0,0432 = 1/23,12]
Canon 0x9200146 = 1/25 sec [0,0423 = 1/23,63]
Canon 0x9300147 = 1/25 sec [0,0414 = 1/24,15]
Canon 0x9400148 = 1/25 sec [0,0405 = 1/24,68]
Canon 0x9500149 = 1/25 sec [0,0397 = 1/25,22]
Canon 0x9600150 = 1/25 sec [0,0388 = 1/25,77]
Canon 0x9700151 = 1/25 sec [0,0380 = 1/26,33]
Canon 0x9800152 = 1/25 sec [0,0372 = 1/26,91]
Canon 0x9900153 = 1/25 sec [0,0364 = 1/27,50]
Canon 0x9a00154 = 1/30 sec [0,0356 = 1/28,10]
Canon 0x9b00155 = 1/30 sec [0,0348 = 1/28,72]
Canon 0x9c00156 = 1/30 sec [0,0341 = 1/29,34]
Canon 0x9d00157 = 1/30 sec [0,0333 = 1/29,99]
Canon 0x9e00158 = 1/30 sec [0,0326 = 1/30,64]
Canon 0x9f00159 = 1/30 sec [0,0319 = 1/31,31]
Canon 0xa000160 = 1,00 sec [0,98]
Canon 0x00a0160 = 1/30 sec [0,0313 = 1/32,00]
Canon 0xa000160 = 1/30 sec [0,0313 = 1/32,00]
Canon 0xa100161 = 1/35 sec [0,0306 = 1/32,70]
Canon 0xa200162 = 1/35 sec [0,0299 = 1/33,42]
Canon 0xa300163 = 1/35 sec [0,0293 = 1/34,15]
Canon 0xa400164 = 0,90 sec [0,90]
Canon 0xa400164 = 1/35 sec [0,0287 = 1/34,90]
Canon 0xa500165 = 1/35 sec [0,0280 = 1/35,66]
Canon 0xa600166 = 1/35 sec [0,0274 = 1/36,44]
Canon 0xa700167 = 1/35 sec [0,0269 = 1/37,24]
Canon 0xa800168 = 1/40 sec [0,0263 = 1/38,05]
Canon 0xa900169 = 1/40 sec [0,0257 = 1/38,89]
Canon 0xaa00170 = 1/40 sec [0,0252 = 1/39,74]
Canon 0xab00171 = 1/40 sec [0,0246 = 1/40,61]
Canon 0xac00172 = 0,75 sec [0,75]
Canon 0xac00172 = 1/40 sec [0,0241 = 1/41,50]
Canon 0xad00173 = 1/40 sec [0,0236 = 1/42,41]
Canon 0xae00174 = 1/45 sec [0,0231 = 1/43,34]
Canon 0xaf00175 = 1/45 sec [0,0226 = 1/44,29]
Canon 0x00b0176 = 1/45 sec [0,0221 = 1/45,25]
Canon 0xb000176 = 1/45 sec [0,0221 = 1/45,25]
Canon 0xb100177 = 1/45 sec [0,0216 = 1/46,25]
Canon 0xb200178 = 1/45 sec [0,0212 = 1/47,26]
Canon 0xb300179 = 1/50 sec [0,0207 = 1/48,29]
Canon 0x00b4180 = 1/50 sec [0,0203 = 1/49,35]
Canon 0xb400180 = 1/50 sec [0,0203 = 1/49,35]
Canon 0xb500181 = 1/50 sec [0,0198 = 1/50,43]
Canon 0xb600182 = 1/50 sec [0,0194 = 1/51,54]
Canon 0xb700183 = 1/50 sec [0,0190 = 1/52,66]
Canon 0xb800184 = 1/50 sec [0,0186 = 1/53,82]
Canon 0xb900185 = 1/50 sec [0,0182 = 1/55,00]
Canon 0xba00186 = 1/60 sec [0,0178 = 1/56,20]
Canon 0xbb00187 = 1/60 sec [0,0174 = 1/57,43]
Canon 0xbc00188 = 1/60 sec [0,0170 = 1/58,69]
Canon 0xbd00189 = 1/60 sec [0,0167 = 1/59,97]
Canon 0xbe00190 = 1/60 sec [0,0163 = 1/61,29]
Canon 0xbf00191 = 1/60 sec [0,0160 = 1/62,63]
Canon 0x00c0192 = 1/60 sec [0,0156 = 1/64,00]
Canon 0xc000192 = 1/60 sec [0,0156 = 1/64,00]
Canon 0xc100193 = 1/70 sec [0,0153 = 1/65,40]
Canon 0xc200194 = 1/70 sec [0,0150 = 1/66,83]
Canon 0xc300195 = 1/70 sec [0,0146 = 1/68,30]
Canon 0xc400196 = 0,45 sec [0,45]
Canon 0xc400196 = 1/70 sec [0,0143 = 1/69,79]
Canon 0xc500197 = 1/70 sec [0,0140 = 1/71,32]
Canon 0xc600198 = 1/70 sec [0,0137 = 1/72,88]
Canon 0xc700199 = 1/70 sec [0,0134 = 1/74,48]
Canon 0xc800200 = 1/80 sec [0,0131 = 1/76,11]
Canon 0xc900201 = 1/80 sec [0,0129 = 1/77,78]
Canon 0xca00202 = 1/80 sec [0,0126 = 1/79,48]
Canon 0xcb00203 = 1/80 sec [0,0123 = 1/81,22]
Canon 0xcc00204 = 0,40 sec [0,38]
Canon 0x00cc204 = 1/80 sec [0,0120 = 1/83,00]
Canon 0xcc00204 = 1/80 sec [0,0120 = 1/83,00]
Canon 0xcd00205 = 1/80 sec [0,0118 = 1/84,82]
Canon 0xce00206 = 1/90 sec [0,0115 = 1/86,67]
Canon 0xcf00207 = 1/90 sec [0,0113 = 1/88,57]
Canon 0xd000208 = 1/90 sec [0,0110 = 1/90,51]
Canon 0xd100209 = 1/90 sec [0,0108 = 1/92,49]
Canon 0xd200210 = 1/90 sec [0,0106 = 1/94,52]
Canon 0xd300211 = 1/100 sec [0,0104 = 1/96,59]
Canon 0x00d4212 = 1/100 sec [0,0101 = 1/98,70]
Canon 0xd400212 = 1/100 sec [0,0101 = 1/98,70]
Canon 0xd500213 = 1/100 sec [0,0099 = 1/100,86]
Canon 0xd600214 = 1/100 sec [0,0097 = 1/103,07]
Canon 0xd700215 = 1/110 sec [0,0095 = 1/105,33]
Canon 0x00d8216 = 1/110 sec [0,0093 = 1/107,63]
Canon 0xd800216 = 1/110 sec [0,0093 = 1/107,63]
Canon 0xd900217 = 1/110 sec [0,0091 = 1/109,99]
Canon 0xda00218 = 1/110 sec [0,0089 = 1/112,40]
Canon 0xdb00219 = 1/110 sec [0,0087 = 1/114,86]
Canon 0x00dc220 = 1/120 sec [0,0085 = 1/117,38]
Canon 0xdc00220 = 1/120 sec [0,0085 = 1/117,38]
Canon 0xdd00221 = 1/120 sec [0,0083 = 1/119,95]
Canon 0xde00222 = 1/125 sec [0,0082 = 1/122,57]
Canon 0xdf00223 = 1/125 sec [0,0080 = 1/125,26]
Canon 0x00e0224 = 1/125 sec [0,0078 = 1/128,00]
Canon 0xe000224 = 1/125 sec [0,0078 = 1/128,00]
Canon 0xe100225 = 1/130 sec [0,0076 = 1/130,80]
Canon 0xe200226 = 1/130 sec [0,0075 = 1/133,67]
Canon 0xe300227 = 1/140 sec [0,0073 = 1/136,59]
Canon 0x00e4228 = 1/140 sec [0,0072 = 1/139,58]
Canon 0xe400228 = 1/140 sec [0,0072 = 1/139,58]
Canon 0xe400228 = 1/4 sec [1/4,47]
Canon 0xe500229 = 1/140 sec [0,0070 = 1/142,64]
Canon 0xe600230 = 1/150 sec [0,0069 = 1/145,76]
Canon 0xe700231 = 1/150 sec [0,0067 = 1/148,96]
Canon 0x00e8232 = 1/150 sec [0,0066 = 1/152,22]
Canon 0xe800232 = 1/150 sec [0,0066 = 1/152,22]
Canon 0xe900233 = 1/160 sec [0,0064 = 1/155,55]
Canon 0xea00234 = 1/160 sec [0,0063 = 1/158,96]
Canon 0xeb00235 = 1/160 sec [0,0062 = 1/162,44]
Canon 0xec00236 = 1/170 sec [0,0060 = 1/166,00]
Canon 0xec00236 = 1/5 sec [1/5,31]
Canon 0xed00237 = 1/170 sec [0,0059 = 1/169,63]
Canon 0xee00238 = 1/170 sec [0,0058 = 1/173,34]
Canon 0xef00239 = 1/180 sec [0,0056 = 1/177,14]
Canon 0x00f0240 = 1/180 sec [0,0055 = 1/181,02]
Canon 0xf000240 = 1/180 sec [0,0055 = 1/181,02]
Canon 0xf100241 = 1/180 sec [0,0054 = 1/184,98]
Canon 0xf200242 = 1/190 sec [0,0053 = 1/189,03]
Canon 0xf300243 = 1/190 sec [0,0052 = 1/193,17]
Canon 0xf400244 = 1/200 sec [0,0051 = 1/197,40]
Canon 0xf500245 = 1/200 sec [0,0050 = 1/201,73]
Canon 0xf600246 = 1/200 sec [0,0049 = 1/206,14]
Canon 0xf700247 = 1/200 sec [0,0047 = 1/210,66]
Canon 0xf800248 = 1/200 sec [0,0046 = 1/215,27]
Canon 0xf900249 = 1/200 sec [0,0045 = 1/219,98]
Canon 0xfa00250 = 1/200 sec [0,0044 = 1/224,80]
Canon 0xfb00251 = 1/250 sec [0,0044 = 1/229,72]
Canon 0xfc00252 = 1/250 sec [0,0043 = 1/234,75]
Canon 0xfd00253 = 1/250 sec [0,0042 = 1/239,89]
Canon 0xfe00254 = 1/250 sec [0,0041 = 1/245,15]
Canon 0xff00255 = 1/250 sec [0,0040 = 1/250,51]
Canon 0x0001256 = 1/250 sec [0,0039 = 1/256,00]
Canon 0x0001256 = 1/8 sec [1/8,19]
Canon 0x0101257 = 1/250 sec [0,0038 = 1/261,61]
Canon 0x0201258 = 1/250 sec [0,0037 = 1/267,33]
Canon 0x0301259 = 1/250 sec [0,0037 = 1/273,19]
Canon 0x0104260 = 1/300 sec [0,0036 = 1/279,17]
Canon 0x0401260 = 1/300 sec [0,0036 = 1/279,17]
Canon 0x0501261 = 1/300 sec [0,0035 = 1/285,28]
Canon 0x0601262 = 1/300 sec [0,0034 = 1/291,53]
Canon 0x0701263 = 1/300 sec [0,0034 = 1/297,91]
Canon 0x0108264 = 1/300 sec [0,0033 = 1/304,44]
Canon 0x0801264 = 1/300 sec [0,0033 = 1/304,44]
Canon 0x0901265 = 1/300 sec [0,0032 = 1/311,10]
Canon 0x0a01266 = 1/320 sec [0,0031 = 1/317,92]
Canon 0x0b01267 = 1/320 sec [0,0031 = 1/324,88]
Canon 0x0c01268 = 1/10 sec [1/10,62]
Canon 0x010c268 = 1/320 sec [0,0030 = 1/331,99]
Canon 0x0c01268 = 1/320 sec [0,0030 = 1/331,99]
Canon 0x0d01269 = 1/350 sec [0,0029 = 1/339,26]
Canon 0x0e01270 = 1/350 sec [0,0029 = 1/346,69]
Canon 0x0f01271 = 1/350 sec [0,0028 = 1/354,28]
Canon 0x0110272 = 1/350 sec [0,0028 = 1/362,04]
Canon 0x1001272 = 1/350 sec [0,0028 = 1/362,04]
Canon 0x1101273 = 1/350 sec [0,0027 = 1/369,97]
Canon 0x1201274 = 1/400 sec [0,0026 = 1/378,07]
Canon 0x1301275 = 1/400 sec [0,0026 = 1/386,35]
Canon 0x0114276 = 1/400 sec [0,0025 = 1/394,81]
Canon 0x1401276 = 1/400 sec [0,0025 = 1/394,81]
Canon 0x1501277 = 1/400 sec [0,0025 = 1/403,45]
Canon 0x1601278 = 1/400 sec [0,0024 = 1/412,29]
Canon 0x1701279 = 1/400 sec [0,0024 = 1/421,31]
Canon 0x0118280 = 1/450 sec [0,0023 = 1/430,54]
Canon 0x1801280 = 1/450 sec [0,0023 = 1/430,54]
Canon 0x1901281 = 1/450 sec [0,0023 = 1/439,97]
Canon 0x1a01282 = 1/450 sec [0,0022 = 1/449,60]
Canon 0x1b01283 = 1/450 sec [0,0022 = 1/459,45]
Canon 0x011c284 = 1/450 sec [0,0021 = 1/469,51]
Canon 0x1c01284 = 1/450 sec [0,0021 = 1/469,51]
Canon 0x1d01285 = 1/500 sec [0,0021 = 1/479,79]
Canon 0x1e01286 = 1/500 sec [0,0020 = 1/490,29]
Canon 0x1f01287 = 1/500 sec [0,0020 = 1/501,03]
Canon 0x2001288 = 1/15 sec [1/16,38]
Canon 0x0120288 = 1/500 sec [0,0020 = 1/512,00]
Canon 0x2001288 = 1/500 sec [0,0020 = 1/512,00]
Canon 0x2101289 = 1/500 sec [0,0019 = 1/523,21]
Canon 0x2201290 = 1/550 sec [0,0019 = 1/534,67]
Canon 0x2301291 = 1/550 sec [0,0018 = 1/546,38]
Canon 0x2401292 = 1/550 sec [0,0018 = 1/558,34]
Canon 0x2501293 = 1/550 sec [0,0018 = 1/570,57]
Canon 0x2601294 = 1/600 sec [0,0017 = 1/583,06]
Canon 0x2701295 = 1/600 sec [0,0017 = 1/595,83]
Canon 0x2801296 = 1/20 sec [1/19,48]
Canon 0x2801296 = 1/600 sec [0,0016 = 1/608,87]
Canon 0x2901297 = 1/600 sec [0,0016 = 1/622,21]
Canon 0x2a01298 = 1/640 sec [0,0016 = 1/635,83]
Canon 0x2b01299 = 1/650 sec [0,0015 = 1/649,75]
Canon 0x012c300 = 1/650 sec [0,0015 = 1/663,98]
Canon 0x2c01300 = 1/650 sec [0,0015 = 1/663,98]
Canon 0x2d01301 = 1/700 sec [0,0015 = 1/678,52]
Canon 0x2e01302 = 1/700 sec [0,0014 = 1/693,38]
Canon 0x2f01303 = 1/700 sec [0,0014 = 1/708,56]
Canon 0x3001304 = 1/20 sec [1/23,17]
Canon 0x3001304 = 1/700 sec [0,0014 = 1/724,08]
Canon 0x3101305 = 1/750 sec [0,0014 = 1/739,93]
Canon 0x3201306 = 1/750 sec [0,0013 = 1/756,13]
Canon 0x3301307 = 1/750 sec [0,0013 = 1/772,69]
Canon 0x3401308 = 1/800 sec [0,0013 = 1/789,61]
Canon 0x3501309 = 1/800 sec [0,0012 = 1/806,90]
Canon 0x3601310 = 1/800 sec [0,0012 = 1/824,57]
Canon 0x3701311 = 1/850 sec [0,0012 = 1/842,63]
Canon 0x3801312 = 1/30 sec [1/27,55]
Canon 0x3801312 = 1/850 sec [0,0012 = 1/861,08]
Canon 0x3901313 = 1/900 sec [0,0011 = 1/879,93]
Canon 0x3a01314 = 1/900 sec [0,0011 = 1/899,20]
Canon 0x3b01315 = 1/900 sec [0,0011 = 1/918,89]
Canon 0x3c01316 = 1/950 sec [0,0011 = 1/939,01]
Canon 0x3d01317 = 1/950 sec [0,0010 = 1/959,57]
Canon 0x3e01318 = 1/1000 sec [0,0010 = 1/980,59]
Canon 0x3f01319 = 1/1000 sec [0,0010 = 1/1002,06]
Canon 0x0140320 = 1/1000 sec [0,0010 = 1/1024,00]
Canon 0x4001320 = 1/1000 sec [0,0010 = 1/1024,00]
Canon 0x4001320 = 1/30 sec [1/32,77]
Canon 0x4101321 = 1/1050 sec [0,0010 = 1/1046,42]
Canon 0x4201322 = 1/1050 sec [0,0009 = 1/1069,34]
Canon 0x4301323 = 1/1100 sec [0,0009 = 1/1092,75]
Canon 0x4401324 = 1/1100 sec [0,0009 = 1/1116,68]
Canon 0x4501325 = 1/1150 sec [0,0009 = 1/1141,13]
Canon 0x4601326 = 1/1150 sec [0,0009 = 1/1166,12]
Canon 0x4701327 = 1/1200 sec [0,0008 = 1/1191,65]
Canon 0x4801328 = 1/1200 sec [0,0008 = 1/1217,75]
Canon 0x4801328 = 1/40 sec [1/38,97]
Canon 0x4901329 = 1/1250 sec [0,0008 = 1/1244,41]
Canon 0x4a01330 = 1/1250 sec [0,0008 = 1/1271,66]
Canon 0x4b01331 = 1/1300 sec [0,0008 = 1/1299,51]
Canon 0x4c01332 = 1/1300 sec [0,0008 = 1/1327,96]
Canon 0x4c01332 = 1/40 sec [1/42,49]
Canon 0x4d01333 = 1/1400 sec [0,0007 = 1/1357,04]
Canon 0x4e01334 = 1/1400 sec [0,0007 = 1/1386,76]
Canon 0x4f01335 = 1/1400 sec [0,0007 = 1/1417,12]
Canon 0x5001336 = 1/1400 sec [0,0007 = 1/1448,15]
Canon 0x5001336 = 1/45 sec [1/46,34]
Canon 0x5101337 = 1/1500 sec [0,0007 = 1/1479,87]
Canon 0x5201338 = 1/1500 sec [0,0007 = 1/1512,27]
Canon 0x5301339 = 1/1500 sec [0,0006 = 1/1545,38]
Canon 0x5401340 = 1/1600 sec [0,0006 = 1/1579,22]
Canon 0x5401340 = 1/50 sec [1/50,54]
Canon 0x5501341 = 1/1600 sec [0,0006 = 1/1613,80]
Canon 0x5601342 = 1/1600 sec [0,0006 = 1/1649,14]
Canon 0x5701343 = 1/1700 sec [0,0006 = 1/1685,25]
Canon 0x5801344 = 1/1700 sec [0,0006 = 1/1722,16]
Canon 0x5801344 = 1/55 sec [1/55,11]
Canon 0x5a01346 = 1/1800 sec [0,0006 = 1/1798,40]
Canon 0x5b01347 = 1/1800 sec [0,0005 = 1/1837,78]
Canon 0x5c01348 = 1/1900 sec [0,0005 = 1/1878,02]
Canon 0x5c01348 = 1/60 sec [1/60,10]
Canon 0x5d01349 = 1/1900 sec [0,0005 = 1/1919,15]
Canon 0x5e01350 = 1/2000 sec [0,0005 = 1/1961,17]
Canon 0x5f01351 = 1/2000 sec [0,0005 = 1/2004,12]
Canon 0x6001352 = 1/2000 sec [0,0005 = 1/2048,00]
Canon 0x6001352 = 1/65 sec [1/65,54]
Canon 0x6201354 = 1/2100 sec [0,0005 = 1/2138,67]
Canon 0x6401356 = 1/2200 sec [0,0004 = 1/2233,36]
Canon 0x6501357 = 1/2300 sec [0,0004 = 1/2282,26]
Canon 0x6601358 = 1/2300 sec [0,0004 = 1/2332,24]
Canon 0x6701359 = 1/2400 sec [0,0004 = 1/2383,31]
Canon 0x6801360 = 1/2400 sec [0,0004 = 1/2435,50]
Canon 0x6801360 = 1/80 sec [1/77,94]
Canon 0x6a01362 = 1/2500 sec [0,0004 = 1/2543,32]
Canon 0x6c01364 = 1/2600 sec [0,0004 = 1/2655,93]
Canon 0x6c01364 = 1/85 sec [1/84,99]
Canon 0x7001368 = 1/2800 sec [0,0003 = 1/2896,31]
Canon 0x7001368 = 1/90 sec [1/92,68]
Canon 0x7401372 = 1/100 sec [1/101,07]
Canon 0x7401372 = 1/3200 sec [0,0003 = 1/3158,45]
Canon 0x7801376 = 1/3400 sec [0,0003 = 1/3444,31]
Canon 0x7c01380 = 1/120 sec [1/120,19]
Canon 0x7c01380 = 1/3800 sec [0,0003 = 1/3756,05]
Canon 0x7d01381 = 1/3800 sec [0,0003 = 1/3838,30]
Canon 0x8001384 = 1/130 sec [1/131,07]
Canon 0x8001384 = 1/4000 sec [0,0002 = 1/4096,00]
Canon 0x8401388 = 1/140 sec [1/142,94]
Canon 0x8401388 = 1/4400 sec [0,0002 = 1/4466,72]
Canon 0x8801392 = 1/155 sec [1/155,87]
Canon 0x8801392 = 1/4800 sec [0,0002 = 1/4870,99]
Canon 0x8c01396 = 1/170 sec [1/169,98]
Canon 0x8c01396 = 1/5400 sec [0,0002 = 1/5311,85]
Canon 0x9001400 = 1/185 sec [1/185,36]
Canon 0x9001400 = 1/5800 sec [0,0002 = 1/5792,62]
Canon 0x9401404 = 1/200 sec [1/202,14]
Canon 0x9401404 = 1/6400 sec [0,0002 = 1/6316,90]
Canon 0x9801408 = 1/220 sec [1/220,44]
Canon 0x9801408 = 1/7000 sec [0,0001 = 1/6888,62]
Canon 0x9c01412 = 1/240 sec [1/240,39]
Canon 0x9c01412 = 1/7500 sec [0,0001 = 1/7512,10]
Canon 0xa001416 = 1/260 sec [1/262,14]
Canon 0xa001416 = 1/8000 sec [0,0001 = 1/8192,00]
Canon 0xa401420 = 1/285 sec [1/285,87]
Canon 0xa401420 = 1/9000 sec [0,0001 = 1/8933,44]
Canon 0xa801424 = 1/310 sec [1/311,74]
Canon 0xac01428 = 1/340 sec [1/339,96]
Canon 0xb001432 = 1/12000 sec [0,0001 = 1/11585,24]
Canon 0xb001432 = 1/370 sec [1/370,73]
Canon 0xb401436 = 1/405 sec [1/404,28]
Canon 0xb801440 = 1/14000 sec [0,0001 = 1/13777,25]
Canon 0xb801440 = 1/440 sec [1/440,87]
Canon 0xbc01444 = 1/15000 sec [0,0001 = 1/15024,19]
Canon 0xbc01444 = 1/480 sec [1/480,77]
Canon 0xc001448 = 1/16000 sec [0,0001 = 1/16384,00]
Canon 0xc001448 = 1/525 sec [1/524,29]
Canon 0xc401452 = 1/18000 sec [0,0001 = 1/17866,88]
Canon 0xc401452 = 1/570 sec [1/571,74]
Canon 0xc801456 = 1/19000 sec [0,0001 = 1/19483,97]
Canon 0xc801456 = 1/620 sec [1/623,49]
Canon 0xcc01460 = 1/680 sec [1/679,92]
Canon 0xd401468 = 1/800 sec [1/808,56]
Canon 0xdc01476 = 1/950 sec [1/961,55]
Canon 0xe001480 = 1/1050 sec [1/1048,58]
Canon 0xe401484 = 1/1150 sec [1/1143,48]
Canon 0xe401484 = 1/36000 sec [0,0000 = 1/35733,76]
Canon 0xec01492 = 1/1350 sec [1/1359,83]
Canon 0xf401500 = 1/1625 sec [1/1617,13]
Canon 0xf801504 = 1/1775 sec [1/1763,49]
Canon 0xfc01508 = 1/1925 sec [1/1923,10]
Canon 0x0002512 = 1/2100 sec [1/2097,15]
Canon 0x0802520 = 1/2500 sec [1/2493,95]
Canon 0x1002528 = 1/2975 sec [1/2965,82]
Canon 0x2c02556 = 1/5450 sec [1/5439,34]
Canon 0x1c03796 = 796/32 = Corrupted value 30769549,81 (< 1/65535) ?
Canon 0x96ff-106 = 10,0 sec [9,93]
Canon 0x94ff-108 = 10,0 sec [10,37]
Canon 0x90ff-112 = 11,0 sec [11,31]
Canon 0x8cff-116 = 12,0 sec [12,34]
Canon 0xff8c-116 = 12,0 sec [12,34]
Canon 0x8bff-117 = 13,0 sec [12,61]
Canon 0x8aff-118 = 13,0 sec [12,88]
Canon 0x84ff-124 = 15,0 sec [14,67]
Canon 0x83ff-125 = 15,0 sec [14,99]
Canon 0x80ff-128 = 15,0 sec [16,00]
Canon 0x7cff-132 = 15,0 sec [17,45]
Canon 0xff78-136 = 20,0 sec [19,03]
Canon 0x70ff-144 = 25,0 sec [22,63]
Canon 0x60ff-160 = 30,0 sec [32,00]
Canon 0xff60-160 = 30,0 sec [32,00]
Canon 0x50ff-176 = 45,0 sec [45,25]
Canon 0x30ff-208 = 90,0 sec [90,51]
22 2 bytes uShort16 Exposure Time
  Formula is "exp(-(Value/32)*log(2))"
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Range = -32768,-200->750
Canon 0x... ... sec
23 2 bytes uShort16 Measured EV 2
  EOS camera's value's from 0 upto 193, other camera's always 0
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0
Canon 0x004a 74
Canon 0x004b 75
Canon 0x004c 76
Canon : :
Canon 0x00a9 169
Canon 0x00ac 172
Canon 0x00ad 173
Canon 0x0e00 14
Canon 0x1700 23
Canon 0x1d00 29
Canon : :
Canon 0xbf00 191
Canon 0xc000 192
Canon 0xc100 193
24 2 bytes uShort16 Bulb Duration
  Some EOS camera's value's from 0 upto 1800, other camera's always 0
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0 = 0
Canon 0x0807 1800 = 180
Canon 0x1405 1300 = 130
Canon 0x1e00 30 = 3
Canon 0x2800 40 = 4
Canon 0xb80b 3000 = 300
25 2 bytes sShort16 Canon-0x0004-0x0019
  Range from -175 upto 51
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0
Canon 0x0100 1
Canon 0x0200 2
Canon : :
Canon 0x2c00 44
Canon 0x2f00 47
Canon 0x3300 51
Canon 0x51ff -175
Canon 0x9cff -100
Canon 0xa1ff -95
Canon : :
Canon 0xfdff -3
Canon 0xfeff -2
Canon 0xffff -1
26 2 bytes uShort16 Camera Type
  0 = caused by rotating with Zoombrowser
For Canon-type-1 see found values
0 0x0000n/a
248 0x00f8EOS High-end
250 0x00faCompact
252 0x00fcEOS Mid-range
255 0x00ffDV Camera
Canon 0x0000 0 = n/a
Canon 0x00f8248 = EOS High-end
Canon 0xf800248 = EOS High-end
Canon 0xfa00250 = Compact
Canon 0xfc00252 = EOS Mid-range
Canon 0xff00255 = DV Camera
27 2 bytes uShort16 Auto Rotate
For Canon-type-1 see found values
-1 0xffffRotated by Software
0 0x0000 None
1 0x0001Rotate 90 Clock Wise
2 0x0002 Rotate 180
3 0x0003Rotate 270 Clock Wise
Canon 0x0000 0 = None
Canon 0x01001 = Rotate 90 Clock Wise
Canon 0x03003 = Rotate 270 Clock Wise
Canon 0xffff-1 = Rotated by Software
28 2 bytes uShort16 ND Filter
  -1 = caused by rotating with Zoombrowser
For Canon-type-1 see found values
-1 0xffff n/a
0 0x0000 Off
1 0x0001 On
Canon 0x0000 0 = Off
Canon 0x0100 1 = On
Canon 0xffff -1 = n/a
29 2 bytes uShort16 Self Timer2
  -1 = caused by rotating with Zoombrowser
For Canon-type-1 see found values
-1 0xffff n/a
0 0x0000Sometimes 0x0000
1 0x0001Sometimes 0x0001
-32766 0x8002Sometimes 0x8002
Canon 0x00000 = Sometimes 0x0000
Canon 0x01001 = Sometimes 0x0001
Canon 0x0280-32766 = Sometimes 0x8002
Canon 0xffff -1 = n/a
30 2 bytes uShort16 Canon-0x0004-0x001e
For Canon-type-1 see found values
0 0x0000Sometimes 0x0000
-1 0xffffSometimes 0xffff
Canon 0x00000 = Sometimes 0x0000
Canon 0xffff-1 = Sometimes 0xffff
31 2 bytes uShort16 Canon-0x0004-0x001f
For Canon-type-1 see found values
0 0x0000Sometimes 0x0000
1 0x0001Sometimes 0x0001
Canon 0x00000 = Sometimes 0x0000
Canon 0x01001 = Sometimes 0x0001
32 2 bytes uShort16 BKT Focus
  3 images are shot: current position, backwards, forwards
For Canon-type-1 see found values
0 0x0000Off
1 0x0001Small Offset
2 0x0002Medium Offset
3 0x0003Large Offset
-1 0xffff n/a
Canon 0x0000 0 = Off
Canon 0x01001 = Small Offset
Canon 0x02002 = Medium Offset
Canon 0x03003 = Large Offset
Canon 0xffff -1 = n/a
33 2 bytes uShort16 Flash Output
  Values from 0 upto 2000
For Canon-type-1 see found values
Canon 0x0000 0
Canon 0x0a00 10
Canon 0x0b00 11
Canon : :
Canon 0xe803 1000
Canon 0xb004 1200
Canon 0xd007 2000

Generated by GexifView 2013/01/24